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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2021/08/06/safe-space-section-to-open-for-the-clinically-extremely-vulnerable/ Genuinely brilliant initiative that I haven’t seen many other clubs doing. Everyone’s a winner. @Long Suffering Bairni think you have talked about being vulnerable - hope this sees you back at TFS where possible.
  2. Given Celtic and Rangers will have the full 50/60k in their grounds in a matter of days (and rightly so in my opinion, but that’s not for this thread), I’ll be laughing at any jobsworth who tells me to sit in my seat with a mask on half a row away from my nearest mate.
  3. £18 is really poor for away fans, given they’ll be stuck in the corner of an end stand with a shitey ish view
  4. Just listening to sheerin’s interview....first thing he says is a lot more people have suffered worse than we have over the last 18 months.....no hard luck stories or feeling sorry for himself - breath of fresh air.
  5. Good point under circumstances. Better team. It’s clear we are better coached and that’s promising. Hopefully Holt and Sheerin wake the f**k up abljt recruitment. A decent striker (not untested babe Ruth) is CRUCIAL. Surely the budget isn’t already spunked on some of the muck they’ve brought in.
  6. Being 8th in the league would be a success this season. We are hilariously short of a competing club. Best of luck Paul, GTF Gary.
  7. Quite possibly you are right, I’m not an expert. Just remember a lot of unhappiness when the season restarted last season, with a lot of unhappy players apparently. But guess that was after months off not weeks. If we ask the players and they say there isn’t a significantly greater risk of injury then meh, maybe there’s a slight case for it to be played Saturday. Really does not seem at all difficult to move it to literally just about any Tuesday or Wednesday after, however.
  8. Because it’s pretty difficult to do any sort of training/running from your house imo - unless they’re all fitted with running machines, other equipment etc. The risk of serious muscle injuries when thrust straight into an intense league game would surely be off the charts and surprised PFA haven’t got involved. Even moving game to Monday would let some of the players at least do a bit of running/turning severely reducing risk of injury - player welfare is still important
  9. It would be completely absurd and dangerous to ask players who barely had a pre season to play a league game hours after coming out of a 10 day period where they couldn’t leave their house. There are about 30 free midweeks to choose from plus the odd free weekend. To argue otherwise would prove an inability to think rationally.
  10. Was talking more about pre season. I thought we were 1 or 2 games light anyway, then the Arbroath “fixture” didn’t happen, for whatever top secret reason.
  11. Does anyone know if we’re back in training? I know all of Falkirk FC was WFH until Monday at least Hilarious how underprepared we are for this season. I suppose we’ve tried every other method in trying to have a successful campaign - let’s try the no match fitness no strikers route this year!
  12. Why on earth would it be a forfeit? It’s the first game of the season FFS. The protocol is postponement, not difficult stuff. Doesn’t take any “negotiating” from us.
  13. At least 40k between them plus Holt’s 50K. That gives you a real top quality striker or other position or 2 decent players. But hey, we’ve got dowds and Wilson
  14. The covid doom mongering makes its way onto the COYB falkirk FB page....do they realise what vaccines do
  15. From my understanding there is no such thing as “coming in for a round of tests” this season, unlike last. Players do at home lateral flow tests maybe 2 or more times a week - a LOT cheaper for clubs but much less reliable I think
  16. I don’t think we’re even close to being the most negative fan base in the country. Even last summer when we had an as yet unproven (bad or good) M&M, a few additions who we thought would bring some decent quality (Alston, Keena, Dowds, Morrison) the mood on here was pretty positive. Same with season before. This summer however, now we have a guy on 50k who’s job is to give us a good transfer window, has been the most pathetic in my memory and we have only been let down for the last about decade.
  17. I hope the falkirk support aren’t dumb enough to think Sheerin and Grainger are the ones to blame for the shitshow that’s about to unfurl. Unfit, unprepared, nowhere near enough quality, lack of depth, hated DOF who sniffs about the training pitch. The only saving grace is I don’t see us being anything other than abject from the start, unlike last season.
  18. This is far too simplistic imo. The real risk of transmission with 17k comes from public transport, sharing busses, cars, pubs etc before and after the game, not the couple of hours you’re outside, still sitting a decent distance from each other. Which is why I’d hope common sense would apply to smaller grounds such as ourselves where public transport to and from games is far less than rangers/Celtic in a major city. I’d hoped we’d get a bigger share % of capacity allowed into ground. Either way, I hope the club ask and keep on asking.
  19. I see Rangers have 17k next week for Livi game. We should definitely be applying for 4k v Peterhead...but the club probably just won't bother.
  20. No football for me for 17 months and now 2 away games in 4 days where I can go to the pub before for a few. Fucking, buzzing. (btw ayr tickets now on sale)
  21. Totally irrelevant to the result of course, but this offside in the first half was just hilarious. Linesman should never get another gig, our boy was still onside about a second after the ball was played ffs
  22. Spot on. Key positions more important than many think. All well and good having an adequate CDM and LB. That isn’t enough. We do not have GK CB or striker sorted. Key positions. Imo it’s embarrasing Holt hasn’t realised this and we’ll be found wanting big time this season. Would love to be proved wrong
  23. I was very critical of Holt’s signing (given hes 23 not 17 or anything, and the SD’s son)....but maybe it works in our favour if we can pay him total peanuts because of that fact and get away with it
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