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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. At least we’re not doing the over the top cringefest announcements for our signings like previous 2 seasons. Keep our head down and keep it simple should be our motto until we’re out of this league
  2. Have also heard a similar rumour about an English player. Banging them in in the 5th tier of English football. Wants one more team then off to America to pursue some sort of reality TV deal.
  3. Definitely the right decision to move him on - hopefully a wage or 2 worth of money saved too. The bloke could barely run, and when about 90% of what he was good at before depended on that, it was no wonder we got a shadow of what he used to be
  4. Good post but I wouldn’t argue with anyone who wants a refund for this season/won’t renew for next. For me it’s felt a real watershed summer where any sort of managerial/player appointment is just papering over huge cracks. Where I agree most is that we all love this club and genuinely want what’s best. Bantabairn may have polar opposite views on some things eg the board to some other posters but I think both sides want only the best for Falkirk. That may not apply to those actually on the board, sadly.
  5. I’m amazed about the mystery over CCFC - was pretty obvious to me who it was (won’t say anything more, proper fan who just reported what deans told them. The real story there was deans blabbing that juicy juicy content to a fan. Fucking useless is Deans)
  6. Oh I absolutely will get behind them. Have already said in isolation Williamson is a very handy signing (better than Doyle and Mercer for sure). But I’m not convinced these are signings that justify having a sporting director on 50k or something. Would these signings have been unachievable with a *manager*? No, imo.
  7. I’m not writing off those 4 lads. But that’s 4 of exactly the same type of signing as we’ve made for the last 2 seasons - fans of other clubs saying “don’t mind seeing them go, should do a job at league 1 level”, which they inevitably don’t. I have also now yet to see a single contribution Holt or the Rawlins contacts have made. You could’ve had any fan in Holt’s role and plucked out Nesbitt McKay Heatherington and Williamson as signings, if you had the money Holt clearly has to chuck at them (why else would they come to the shitshow, dropping down to league 1).
  8. Corrzo running it. Ian Fergus tweeting asking for “only the very best” players to come down for it. Gary Holt megs you as you arrive and smiles (the most important thing). Alston stands in the centre circle all session. Connolly injured on the touchline. Oh and you have to pay the club £10 to participate
  9. Someone on the coyb page saying Dick has now signed for Raith, after Holt kept him hanging on til new manager announced. f**k knows if true but seems pretty specific to be made up.
  10. The Bainsford gaveth and the Bainsford tooketh away though. When we were all expecting a signing or something to be afoot, and he’d come on here with “no activities planned for this weekend”. What a downer that was.
  11. Why do we only ever hear of these rather shocking and damning things days or weeks after they happen, on Pie and B from second hand accounts? Why don’t the fans group who’s money seems to have been flat out rejected come together and release an official statement? That isn’t a criticism of them, just a “why doesn’t it happen?” query. For me these allegations are something our whole support should be aware of. Instead it’s confined to the 5% of the support who read Pie and B. If we want real change more people must know.
  12. Aye, and someone else with a top notch source has probably heard the exact opposite. You’re all full of shite. Bring back One F and the reliable itkers like Willie Gibson
  13. Have they been announced? Have they actually signed yet? It is literally Holt’s job description to identify players and recommend them to the first team coach. From what I can see that’s all he’s done so far.
  14. I’m so so far from convinced with Holt’s role. But so far, as DOF anyway, he seems to have done fine. I think it would have been ridiculous had we signed anyone before the new manager was in. However we seem to have provisionally agreed terms with a few players, and when the new manager is in he will hopefully have the true final say on them. If we must have this DOF role, that seems the least bad way of doing it
  15. f**k me. I thought I was as cynical as they come. Give the bloke a chance.
  16. I’m more than happy with Williamson. Attacking full backs have been badly missing for us for our 2 seasons down here. When Doyle was on form (he did actually have a few good games for us) we were at our best. If he’s shoddy defensively then so be it, the hardest team we’ll have to play is Queens park ffs
  17. Right with you there. About half the names mentioned I could genuinely see us becoming a league 2 side if appointed.
  18. It’s gonna be Alex Rae or Kettlewell isn’t it.
  19. McBookie are often full of complete shite. If it were true though, it would oust about 4 pie and b “itkers” as complete frauds mind you
  20. 6 and a half weeks til our first competitve game, never mind friendly. We have a skeleton of a squad and no backroom staff - definitely needs sorting ASAP. Also, I presume the "reserve" / U20 team we are building will be ready by next season, if we're planning on entering a league? Or is it solely friendlies they'll play? A power of work to do in the next 30 days or so.
  21. Partick took about 15 games to bed in in this league, realised it was shite, then bodied everyone in their way about 5-0 (including us). That’s how you win games and win this league, if you have a budget that’s 4x your opponents and are a full time club.
  22. Opinions I guess. I think he’s so so flakey and prone to an error per game. Durnan, if he kept it simple, could string 2 or 3 in a row without making an arse of himself.
  23. Hahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha What a fucking post
  24. FWIW, if Holt has actively tried to keep Hall instead of Durnan, I’m finished with next season before it’s even started. Durnan is twice the defender Hall is, and he’s absolutely rotten.
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