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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Spot on with this btw, we’ve robbed montrose about 7 games in a row until last week. I’ve never been one to believe in “karma”, “destiny”, “fate”, a “god” or any of that shite before, but what justice that we didn’t scrape into the playoffs. Fully deserved and I am genuinely genuinely glad clubs like montrose are there in our place. Not even sure what point I’m making or where we as a club go from here but anyway
  2. I can always count on us can’t I. See you all in 2-5 years when we may sort this mess out. The poison at our club won’t be fixed next year
  3. I put falkirk out of my mind for a couple days, come back when forced to look at the team sheet, and feel lower each time they enter my brain again. No doubt the trend will continue at 8:45
  4. Fully agreed and I’ve been (probably annoyingly) on here saying the performances have been at exactly the same level all season, which is why I knew we were fucked when M&M came out with the “we were off it today” patter around Christmas. Think back to the Montrose and Forfar games straight post lockdown. I reckon we created double the chances v Montrose this weekend than those 2 games combined. We just somehow were solid enough at the back and had a huge mental edge given we were top that basically made teams fear us to somehow see us win those couple of games. Since then a deserved combination of things have transpired meaning we are where we really should have been all season - mid table muck
  5. But look at the results before they left - a shocking 1-1 at home v dumbarton, 2-1 defeat to yourselves (could’ve been 4-1), inched past a dead on their feet Clyde, 2-0 v cove (could’ve been 4-0), 1-0 v peterhead - we didn’t register 1 shot on target. Against peterhead. Sure it’s not got better but there’s zero to suggest M&M would’ve done more in the last 3 games than holt has done
  6. MT you have no clue how bad we are. Genuinely playing to the standard of a league 2 mid table team. Zero exaggeration
  7. I hold no ill feeling towards that team though. A bunch of (on paper) very average players, plus will vaulks, tried like bears all season. Our race was fucking run after that first leg, it was a miracle we won it. By all accounts players were out on their arse going into that 2nd leg. The old man is a killie fan and doesn’t think much of Clark, but he got his tactics brutally spot on that day. Big, fit boys (was it Magennis and some other huge lad you had) running at us for the first 20 mins - don’t think anything we could’ve done that day would’ve got a different result.
  8. It really does. But I don’t see us signing 18 new players so was trying to think what the best outcome may be, realistically. Basically, we’re fucked.
  9. GK - I’d keep Mutch, but with a very competitive backup ala PJ Morrison Def - Williamson (hopefully), Dixon, maybe keep Kelly. Bin Durnan, Hall, G Miller, Sneeddon, mclelland, Neilson and deveney away Midfield - Telfer, Morrison, maybe Gomis. Bin Alston, Connolly, Leitch, Francis, Laverty and Fotheringham is away Strikers - tempting to bin all. Maybe keep keena/dowds at a push. Sammon has to go That gives us Mutch Williamson - - Kelly Morrison - Gomis Telfer - Keena/Dowds - It really is tempting to bin every single one of them but we’ve done enough of that. We need at least a touch of consistency team wise
  10. There lots of part time teams in the premiership aye?
  11. Absolutely well said. I’m too fucking raging and hurt to post anything constructive but spot on
  12. I was a lot more confident going into cove away last weekend and we stank the place out. By that reasoning, 5-0 Partick
  13. Throw in the new one “it doesn’t actually matter if we’re good, as long as the players smile and work hard”
  14. We’ve won 1 out of 6 in the third tier of Scottish football, collapsing after having a 7 point lead 14 days ago and a 10 point lead over Partick. We’ve gone through 4/5 managers in 5 years and about 100 players. We have no sellable assets, dont own the stadium, seem to come up with “plans” to get us back into the premiership every second summer, and almost every week we hit new lows for on field performances. I’d love to be positive about the club, I love it. It’s harder than ever though.
  15. Okay, you know best what he’s been up to at Falkirk FC for the last 4 months. I bow to your knowledge and judgement. Looking forward to the roaring success of our recruitment
  16. He’s not just some coach though I don’t think - he’s our main head coach of the youth team (not yet created) and recruiter. I presumed him and holt had been working in the background for months drawing up shortlists, making plans, identifying teams/regions etc. When I saw this I thought wow is he just starting all that now with a tweet “if you’re a great player contact us”? I’m probably being harsh. But can you blame our fan base for the skepticism given the current state of us? Come on.
  17. Okay there’s maybe some merits to the tweet re marketing but just the wording makes me fear we have no plan here. “The very best players” even anyone up to a level of “good”, never mind “very best” is already at a club...they’re not swanning around doing nothing waiting to be picked up by basket case Falkirk
  18. Is this....the great masterplan to restart our youth team and long term bring in transfer fees for the club...?
  19. Big fucking LOL, that we need a measly 3 wins on the bounce, 2 being against fucking montrose and airdrie, to go up. And as a betting man I I put our chances of doing it at roughly 0.15%
  20. Second is better than a very very possible 5th
  21. Can’t imagine any of our lot laying into others after shite performances like Aero did if the rumour were true. They’d all be told to have a smile on their face and happy with their hard work, as that’s all that matters to our board and management now
  22. It was pure Brent without being at least a little bit likeable. Talking about smiles on faces and “megging” boys in training when we’re at our lowest point in my lifetime. Shameless. I’m no Holt hater either - thought he did an ok job as manager here and we played some decent football. Has he lost his mind since then though
  23. I’m sorry but that interview is fucking deranged. If I hung out M&M for their interviews it’s only fair to do the same to Holt. ”I’m not sure what shape we were playing” “I thought we should have been a few goals up” all while beaming from cheek to cheek about the performance. After a draw against cove rangers where we should’ve lost about 1-4. Do they ALL think we’re dumb? Our club is poison. It’s going to take a good long while to get back to even challenging for league 1 with Holt kicking about the place IMO. Unless he’s turned into some great recruiter of players overnight, after his first influence being possible the worst “January” transfer window in my memory. Awful start.
  24. Spot on. Last season there were quite a few at least semi enjoyable performances. Struggle to think of a single half where we’ve looked strong this season. The team that swept aside dumbarton, forfar etc 6-0 last season would have comfortably beaten the gang assembled this season
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