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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Fucking yikes. If that article is true then it’s perhaps even more bonkers than trying to fit in 27 games in the next 7 weeks. It’s a 22 game season until a club can’t quite manage to play all 18 by 23 April where it’ll then become an 18 game season. Aye nae bother can see absolutely no problems with that Fucking hell.
  2. You’ve been taking the piss the whole time, haven’t you?!
  3. Fair enough. Their initial statement to the 22 games proposal was very much “we’re here to act only in the clubs interests so if you want to play 22 games then fine on your heads be it”, now they’re enforcing an extension to champ clubs....I still don’t get it. But maybe it’s in the rules somewhere
  4. I’m confused. It seems there’s a roughly 0% chance of championship clubs agreeing to extend their season just to accommodate our playoffs - why would they agree to that. Given spfl didn’t even have the power to say no you can’t play 22 games to our league, how on earth do the spfl have the power to tell champ clubs their season has been extended?
  5. I’m sure we’d have sorted something out by now if we were free and able to play til early June too. But we aren’t
  6. Surely the worst ones to come out of this are the clubs/club chairmen. It was them who proposed the mentalist 22 game plan, when 18 was and still is clearly the least bad option, if they want to finish the season. They’ve now been presumably squabbling for around a full week now, whilst the season is 10 days away from “restarting”, with no resolution seemingly closer. Pathetic.
  7. If that results in a null and void for every league I think that might be the best/funniest thing that will happen in my lifetime. Will definitely be hard to beat
  8. Interesting article in The Times today. I understood outdoor transmission is extremely extremely low but these are impressive results. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/experts-find-no-evidence-that-covid-transmitted-on-field-m0wz072qk
  9. The biggest meltdown to end any conceivable meltdown that that would cause supersedes any desire I have to watch our league play football again this season. Falkirk could be 29 points clear and I’d want it to happen. Sturge and clownshoes, make it happen!
  10. I think this is the 6th month in a row (barring 1 day) I can’t legally have my dad in my flat. Meanwhile the police have practically laid down a red carpet for thousands of that lot to sing and shout on each other. Incredible.
  11. I do have some sympathy for some added trouble part time clubs are going to face with the restart for the next month or 2. But not wanting to play because you have to unpack some kit hampers twice a week. I’ve genuinely seen it all
  12. Mochrie back at Montrose already. Wonder if our 2 (3) managers have got out of bed yet.
  13. Which is why if clubs are hell bent on this idiotic 22 split idea, forfeits for any covid postponements have to be enforced. Presume that has to be agreed upon too, which will take another 5 days
  14. Well, it’s what clubs deserve for forcing this absurd extension to an already fairly crammed schedule. If you happen to be one of the unlucky ones to get hit by a covid postponement, take your forfeit and move on. If your club loses ground on a rival because they’ve been given 3 points by default, suck it up. All 20 clubs put this forward so there can be no qualms when difficulties arise.
  15. So as it stands, can they come back to all 20 clubs and say “22 games isn’t going to work - it unfairly disadvantages champ club. Therefore you must play 18 game season.” And that’s that? Or can they only come back to all 20 clubs and say “22 games won’t work, you’ll have to play all 27 or come back to us AGAIN with another proposal for 18 games/something different”?
  16. I do agree. Every year we hear of how tough the schedule is, no time for rests, how a short winter break helps teams recuperate so much, how a postponed fixture for weather etc gives the players a much needed break. Suddenly when it’s the exact same length of time for a break it is a huge injustice to “club 21” and how beneficial it is to league 1 clubs
  17. Possibly, but haven’t the stakes been even higher in the prem? Eg 4th getting into Europe years ago where a team who finished 7th could feasibly be ahead of them or not far behind. Unlikely but possible? I’m just not sure it would open any real can of worms. More I think of this split idea though the worse it gets. Makes very little sense compared to an 18 game season and has gone down like a lead balloon amongst fans who they probably thought would be right behind it. If that’s the best they can come up with after 2 days (or 11 weeks) of extremely urgent meetings then they deserve f**k all and it should be canned.
  18. Your scenario has happened regularly in the prem. It doesn’t really matter because post split it’s effectively 2 different divisions with nothing happening in one impacting the other. However this plan seems a bit silly. Also absolutely bonkers that they’ve left it up til now to talk through these things. Lazy incompetence from everyone involved (yes, including falkirk).
  19. Pretty clear Clyde haven’t been in the premiership for more than 20 years
  20. So your argument rests on the premise that clubs lied when a document was produced in January stating ALL 20 would be able and willing to test. My argument rests on the premise that clubs meant what they said in January when they stated they were able and willing to test and sent a document to the SFA and government. One of these two is true and you’re on the side of the fence that says it’s completely fair and good that clubs thought it fine to lie. It’s a strange position to take and then try and point and laugh at others at their “gormless fury” but maybe that’s where we are.
  21. My prediction based off @The Phoenixcryptics and some murmurings elsewhere. Clubs for some reason really don’t want 18 games. We’ll play 27 with an extended season and no playoffs from league 1 to champ. Lowland league canned it seems. Suits a lot of people. No relegation from league 2, playoffs from league 2 to league 1 will still be played.
  22. They're "entitled" to do whatever they please. Instead of stating my argument is "back of the fag packet" maths, can you debate the content of the argument instead? Usually leads to better discussion than worthless gotchas. Therefore, where am I wrong, Viking? Did ALL 20 League 1 and 2 clubs get together, 11 days after their suspension, and commit to testing (the condition champ and prem must meet to play)? Yes. If they were then given the green light, would they be playing until the end of the season, 4 months (or a little less if team isn't in a playoff)? Yes. After a further 9 weeks after this, were all players (and probably most, if not all, staff) of these 20 clubs on furlough (a huge cost saver to clubs)? Yes. Is the argument that they can "no longer see paying for testing as a viable option" therefore complete nonsense? Yes. I doubt you'll engage with the argument, however. You'll go for some "Falkirk and Partick heads are gone ehh lads!" inane rubbish.
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