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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Really? I’d rather have him than macintyre McCann etc. Based on last Saturday though I doubt he’d want the gig
  2. Any chance our clubs could agree to do what Livingston are doing and play the game on Sunday? Below freezing on Friday night but by Sunday pitch should be playable. Maybe too much like common sense
  3. Henderson and Middleton? This has to be a troll
  4. Ah yes, the free speech union, who’s key media and PR advisory council includes Allison Pearson, tweeted this today: An NHS worker, who wanted to have a private conversation with her and apologized for a tweet, and was admittedly suicidal over it. She leaked his full name and employer, contacted his boss, and claims “you’re finished”. Oh but she’s anti cancel culture. These people fucking turn my stomach.
  5. Hmmm, not into this “cancelling” idea. It was a very badly worded post, think bainsford will realise that when he reads it over, but tbh I understand the point he was getting at. Using their jobs (cleaners etc) to make the point was the shoddy bit. Is it really offensive to say those who typically support the arse cheeks of our society are of lower intelligence? I think it’s fucking spot on tbh!
  6. Wouldn’t want anyone in whos another stop gap or anything like that. It doesn’t work. I can’t imagine Houston would apply, but going off the list of names from when we appointed McKinnon, he’d probably have the best resume. Having listened to John baird’s interview as well, I’d have no doubt he’d get more of a tune out of this 11 than M and M
  7. Well that’s actually made me slightly happier. Should be no loyalty from the current chairman and board to these 2
  8. We are fucking awful and we are currently the best thing in this league. Says it all about the atrocious standard. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Yes, you deserved the win today. Should have been about 4-1.
  9. Can you sack managers who are sitting top of the league? If there was ever a time to this would be it. Ive been fairly consistent in my belief that I can’t think of a single performance that has been better than anything McKinnon served up. There’s just no tactics. No identity. Recruitment worse than poor. Defending at set pieces (the main way of losing goals in this atrocious league) is worse than ever. Interviews have me more irked than even some of McKinnon’s. And there’s 2 of them. f**k me
  10. Tbf, farid and Lyle Taylor were 2 strikers no manager has come close to matching in terms of quality since. Defo has an eye for a player. Doesn’t mean I’d be happy with him as DOF mind you
  11. I think you’re misunderstanding everyone’s point. I genuinely am happy that a package has been put together that should mean no club goes bust. I wouldn’t want a club to go bust, even if their board haven’t planned for this season without fans etc. Behind dodgy boards is usually a fan base not much different to our own. What does seem absurd is clubs can be better off from this pandemic season than they would’ve been without it. Alloa, arbroath etc getting 500k, turning a tidy profit? Whilst countless businesses (pubs, restaurants etc.) literally go out of business? This blanket approach allows that to happen. I don’t think there is a 100% satisfactory way of doing this. However, to me, the approach they have taken seems lazy, and if I was a struggling business owner where 50 or 100k grant could’ve saved my livelihood, or my employee’s livelihood, or my families ability to stay in their house or eat, I really think joking with inane memes about those pointing out some clubs will be doing VERY well out of this package would stick in my throat.
  12. Exactly this. 2 week pause would be annoyingly pointless. Would have to be 2 months for it to have any impact at all. All other European leagues have had numerous call offs etc, no talks of pauses there
  13. Overall a really open and welcome interview. Answered a fair few of my questions. One thing I want clarity on - maybe for the EGM rather than this forum (unless anyone itk has the answer). Deans talks of how the board and him want anyone buying a substantial number of shares to be vetted - so that the club doesn’t fall into the “wrong hands” (fair enough and seems the correct approach). However he never gives a figure of how many shares would need to be bought to trigger this vetting. Is it 1% of the club? 5%? 26%?
  14. Scottish cup feels a lot more pointless and irrelevant when you can’t do away game full day pub sessions. Arbroath away would’ve been great fun (again)
  15. Watched the highlights again. Quite galling that gomis is bursting into the box more than alston and Todd combined
  16. Very harsh. He bossed games last season and that was the reason there were zero complaints when he was made club captain. He is however very very limited, so when he stops doing the things he did very well, he becomes pointless. His legs have also gone a bit too
  17. I was alluding to the gomis and miller combo. Was clear that it just doesn’t work in league 1, and indeed we were all happy when and reaped rewards for the binning of it early days this season. But yeah agreed on his individual performances last season - he was everywhere in games, breaking up play and playing simple passes. Think he was our best player for a month or 2. But again performances are more important than what he’s “meant to be good at”, and he’s not showing it now.
  18. The fans have known this for literally 13 months
  19. I would’ve agreed a few weeks/month ago, but football is a cruel career. You either show youre good enough or you don’t. I feel we’ve been at our “best” this season with him up top, linking play reasonably e.g his assist v cove. Also thought he was unlucky a few times, hitting post and bar. However, We’re now into January for our next game and he has 2 league goals, and looks drained of confidence. We cannot be players’s project to get better. We need guys who’ll win leagues
  20. 1 goal between all of our “strikers” since 1 November. In league 1. Laughable. Lee Miller needs to start playing himself from the off (if he’s fit enough). Think we’d get far more joy with him in the team than finished Sammon and no goals Dowds
  21. It’s very simple v us. Come with any semblance of a game plan, don’t give us too much space and you’ll walk away with at least a point. M and M have a LOT to answer for for the last 2 weeks.
  22. Whilst all the attention is on the miller and gomis double act, Todd has gone under the radar. A totally empty jersey anytime I’ve seen him. Prove me wrong Josh
  23. Connolly, telfer and dowds out for G Miller, Todd, and Alston. It doesn’t scream positivity and creativeness. Pretty huge call by M and M
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