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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Indeed this. I regularly have to change up my medication due to the fact some combinations lose effectiveness or they just aren't effective in the first place. It's a never ending quest to find the right combination of medication; don't be downhearted if your medication doesn't work at first.
  2. So I could make a new account; but of course someone with the cognitive processing speed of a lump of coal would fail to grasp this crucial point.
  3. The wee grungey/goth bar just down from it is even worse.
  4. I was 6th in the kill leaderboards in the first few years of COD4. Had a ratio of 6.50 Those were the days...
  5. I know a grand total of 3 people in it. Lorraine Kelly, The Lord Provost, and one of my mates brother.
  6. I'd say ditching lectures is a bit extreme. It's really all down to the lecturer themselves and how the students participate. If you don't want to go to the lecture and rely on reading the PowerPoint presentation from home then go ahead, but usually the lecturer will add to what's in his/hers notes with information that's pretty crucial. Lecturers have to be good at presenting the information; countless times I've seen lecture slides with absolutely abhorrent colour schemes such as black/yellow and yellow/red and it's just not nice to read. Lectures are a two way thing; the student has to engage, and any student that doesn't know how to take notes needs to look at themselves. It's a pretty crucial skill to have in life. The lecturer has to make it interesting for the student, and make the information easy to digest.
  7. Anyone with any cigar experience; do you go about smoking a purito cigar the same way as smoking a regular sized cigar? Got a 25 batch of Romeo y Julieta puritos and I'm incredibly tempted to just start smoking them.
  8. I'm absolutely the same. When it comes to stats and the like I'm fucking hopeless doing it by hand. Luckily SPSS does all that stuff for you and you just really need to learn what output corresponds to certain tests and things like that. Thankfully, 50% of the Research Methods module is made up of 3 pieces of coursework, all of which I've got A's on so I just really need to turn up to the exam to get a good grade overall. Glad it went well for you!
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