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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Well done buddy; sounds quite interesting. What's the degree outline like?
  2. No worries bud. Good thing you've got the idea in your head, it's the first part of getting the motivation. Start simple, just cut out the bad things in your diet and replace them with good things. That itself will shed a few pounds very quickly; once you've shed what you deem good enough, head to the gym and start proper Good luck.
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/jun/04/gianluigi-buffon-goalkeeper-italy-captain Some boy is Gianluigi.
  4. SweeperDee

    Breaking Bad

    Wrong place at the wrong time...
  5. I worked the beer tent at WestFest last year and it's extraordinarily busy. It's a nice wee festival actually and doesn't deserve to be in this thread.
  6. Quite a few of the modules have numerous components to them to make up the overall grade for the module. I think I sat 7 modules this year.
  7. I know this is your way of saying well done. Cheers Deeboy!
  8. Passed 2nd year of my Psychology degree with 11 A's and 5 B's. Happy doesn't cover it
  9. I have to agree with this. Me and mhak had some differences but he was actually the one that persuaded me to get into shape, if there's one thing this site misses it's his fitness advice.
  10. I feel pigeons are very much underrated and maligned. They get such a hard time of things and all they do is just bob about trying to get scraps from the real evil b*****ds in this world; seagulls. I fucking hate seagulls, and I'd happily chase one away if it was bothering a pigeon.
  11. Both really. Or you can exercise in a fasted state; you can read up on it and decide for yourself. Your body is starved after sleeping and you need energy to help you exercise, so you would have your slow digesting carbs such as oats and some sugar; a piece of fruit to help you through your routine. If you're lifting heavy then the first thing you need to eat after a routine is protein; however you get that protein is up to you. Always eat around 2 hours before your workout though, I tend to feel a bit bloated if I eat straight before or like half an hour before a workout.
  12. Cucumber and tzatziki (try and find low fat tzatziki) with pumpkin seeds. Filling and very tasty, won't help with the muscle though. If you're looking for food which will contribute to your muscle growth then obviously stick with the protein; however if you're going to the gym and hitting the weights, instead of just consuming protein straight after you're finished, (in the form of say chicken, or a protein shake) have a wee bottle of orange juice, then hit the protein. The spike in insulin after the dip it goes through whilst exercising will help the body absorb the protein better.
  13. I'm not feeling very well. Struggling with a lot of fatigue for some reason.
  14. Will be the first buy for my PS4!
  15. Congratulations. You got a date/season in mind for the big day?
  16. (Nothing But) Flowers is my favourite Talking heads song. Great band!
  17. Indeed. If you don't attend lectures for a module at my uni then you forfeit your right to resit the module if you fail it, so it's not really worth ditching them at all.
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