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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. The best use of the video since Donnie Darko. Tremendous.
  2. http://emeraldnewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/something-fishy-in-the-scottish-polls/ An Irish take on the polls and bias in the mainstream media.
  3. She's not the brightest to be fair.
  4. Indeed, lower standard than Tinder; you won't find as many uni birds on it but you come across the occasional gem, not that I would know this since I'm happily whipped.
  5. Lex, the day you educate anyone on the mechanics of betting will be the day the God pokes his head from the clouds. Away with you.
  6. Also, if anyone is looking for proper filth; download Badoo, you won't be disappointed.
  7. I've found birds from Douglas are a lot dirtier. Literally.
  8. The official one and that one are completely separate accounts; the reason given on the shoddy account you've provided is that they are the "MD" of panelbase. Not verified, nor are there any signs of any recognition from the official panelbase account.
  9. Singled out the two places where I want to do my masters; Aberdeen or Edinburgh. Aberdeen is offering Health Psychology which is my second choice in all honesty; my real aim is to get into clinical psychology at Edinburgh uni. The considerations however is that both places are quite expensive to live in. Any tips on finding relatively cheap accommodation in either of these cities?
  10. £975 coming to me on Monday, and another £200 on the 12th. We're rich c***s in Dundee.
  11. Yes, but same rules apply. People will vote for what they feel is the social norm; or more precisely the most popular opinion. I'm not saying the majority of people do this, but a sizable number will do and to claim it's rubbish is just silly.
  12. You'd be surprised. http://pan.oxfordjournals.org/content/12/1/76.abstract Social conformity and voting goes hand in hand.
  13. Know an individual who was involved in putting them there; used to be a no supporter as well.
  14. £4 million is needed pronto apparently. How long until you guys go bust again?
  15. Rumours were floating about he was training to get fit and trying to prove he was fit enough for Hartley; if he's going to you guys then he's failed in his fitness quest I'd imagine.
  16. He wants me to drink warm water. Sorry, should have made that clear.
  17. Aye the nurse practitioner said that if I took two of them at a time, I'd likely get bunged up. He said that warm water should help if that's the case.
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