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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Sounds magic. Could always chuck a banana in there too.
  2. In the Tele or the Courier, can't remember which one.
  3. Long term deal, and considerable funds for the upcoming window; bravo Dundee FC.
  4. Rather silly thing to say to anyone, regardless of context.
  5. Don't think Konrad played all that well yesterday. Misplaced a few passes from the back, which put us under pressure. Absolutely love McGowan and his passion though, he's some boy.
  6. 2 issues; I'm only 20, and a young looking bugger. Also, I have never considered kicking about Ninewells and its surrounding area; it's probably an escaped patient from the Carseview mental health institute.
  7. Never forget how important water is when it comes to losing weight; drink a shit tonne of water and combine that with a healthy diet and you'll be shedding the pounds.
  8. It has quite a reputation for being quite bad for bringing out side effects. Not very pleasant at all.
  9. Sufficient rest between sessions is absolutely crucial. Proper recovery is just as important as what you do in the gym; when you're not in the gym, keep relatively relaxed, don't over exert yourself and sleep plenty.Eat your greens, consume plenty of protein to ensure your muscles repair themselves properly, and don't rush back too fast. Wait until the aches and swollen feeling that occurs after the gym subside to a tolerable level before you head back. 3 days a week is plenty for someone who wants to keep to a decent standard of fitness.
  10. Touching up the boys in inappropriate ways apparently. Who knew a school trip to Lockerbie could be so fun...
  11. Daddy long legs aren't the enemy; they are the sound c***s of the creepy crawly world. They dance about, give you a wee laugh at how dottled they seem and just go about eating up the smaller insects. Spiders are sneaky, insidious b*****ds.
  12. If we aren't designed to be happy, then the dopamine-reward hypothesis is a complete evolutionary anomaly. The same goes with oxytocin production in the brain; there's no natural inclination to either happiness or unhappiness. If we were meant to be unhappy, these two chemicals, and their following effects and reactions wouldn't exist. Depression, to me, is a product of chemical imbalances in the brain and environmental stressors (poor home life, social life, financial worries etc etc). Whether the chemical imbalance brings about the environmental stressors or vice versa is purely down to the individual case. What can be said is that due to humans purely unique idiosyncrasies and behaviour, we may never find a general unifying theory as to what causes depression, or any other mental illness; because we all process emotions differently, we all react to emotions differently, and no brain works the same as another. Also just to add, that article seems to suggest that we should just become stoic mages; devoid of any sort of positive expectation from our lives, not good advice.
  13. This and the referendum; it's some fucking rollercoaster.
  14. Cardiff want the new manager for Saturdays game; far too soon for Hartley to even decide no?
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