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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Also, here's a personality test which seems to be quite accurate, more so than ones that I've been given in various real life meetings: https://www.learnmyself.com/ Here's my profile if anyone is curious: http://www.learnmyself.com/Personality-Report?x=PIx3x4167812-3747767xs4hj2x3 It matches up very well with the in-depth Insights profile I've done. Anyone else ever done an Insights profile?
  2. Mate that's grim. I had a curry for tea earlier on; if I saw that post before I ate it I'd have went right off it.
  3. Arvid Schenk and The Invisible Man? ETA: Sorry, triplets actually; Sean Bonnet-Johnson, Arvid Schenk and The Invisible Man.
  4. In other news, Stephen McGinn has joined Dundee on loan. Great signing. http://www.dundeefc.co.uk/news/stephen-joins-the-dee
  5. I know right? Completely out of the realms of possibility; universal laws just wouldn't possibly allow for such a scenario to arise, ever.
  6. McPake has signed a contract extension. Happy with that, should quash the rumors regarding him going down south. If teams are still pursuing, it should mean we get a fee if he leaves. ETA: http://www.dundeefc.co.uk/news/james-extends-contract
  7. Not the official page mind, but if that's true, we have some gall asking him to coach the U14's; that's fucking insulting.
  8. Fisherman's Blues - The Waterboys, a song that can uplift and cheer you up to no end. Fucking great band.
  9. That's not good. Who could we get as a backup? Schenk is shite.
  10. Keeper poised to quit Dens is on the tele newsstand, what's that about?
  11. The rocks will melt in the sun before that DAB gets a gig for us.
  12. Tell you what's cracking in a shake, blended oats! Adds a bit of thickness to it, and tastes brilliant if you add a wee dash of honey to them.
  13. No turning back; but bending over on the other hand..
  14. I love the first season; in fact I think the Pilot was a bloody great episode.
  15. Besides Terry Crews, I can't really enjoy this show.
  16. Our first initial loan bid for Stephen McGinn has been rejected. Sheffield UTD want us to cover more of his wages.
  17. For the past few days, I've been reduced to a wreck of tears, and I think it's because I feel completely detached and alone at the moment. Whenever I'm with friends, I feel like an observer, just listening and not really contributing much. It's not that I don't want too, I do, it's just I feel like that if I say something, I fear it will be tainted with a tone that is comparable to how I feel just now; which can only really be compared to a painful sense of melancholy. I'm at a complete loss, even though it was only in the middle of last year that I experienced something like this; I can't think of any particular trigger, nor can I think of any particular fix. I want to be around my friends, but I just don't feel like I am of any use to anyone, even myself when I feel like this; I've been sat in my bed since coming back from Uni, curtains drawn and earphones in listening to THE most morose music I've ever heard, crying my eyes out for no other reason than feeling alone. Utterly, utterly dejected. I'm sorry for the mewling but I just wish I didn't have experience this as much as I seem to do.
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