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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. That's the same breakdown for me also; however I'm maintaining my weight, not increasing it. I'd imagine if you want to increase it you should aim for higher levels of protein/fat than carbohydrates.
  2. It seemed Max knew also. Could be some sort of manipulation going on.
  3. Yeah, had to get my student status verified by UniDays. I'll have a look anyway, thanks for the heads-up.
  4. Yeah the online apple store. I noticed that the £200 figure for the protection plan was without student discount, so I may look to buy it in the future with the discount.
  5. I was the exact same until about 4 months ago. Switched over from having a Samsung Phone (I had every iteration of the Galaxy smartphone until the S4) to having an iPhone 5S, and from having that it's convinced me to trust the quality of their products. I've went into the StormFront store in Dundee to play around with the MacBook laptops and they are just brilliant. Yeah, they come at a premium price but I think they may be worth it.
  6. Did you take out the protection plan when you bought it? The protection plan for the Air is £200 I'm buying straight from Apple so I'm getting a years worth of warranty straight off the bat. Hopefully I don't run into any issues; I've had my current laptop for 6 years now, without any major breakages or issues. Just hope this has the same sort of longevity!
  7. You seen some of their top, top, top of the range computers? Mind blowing how expensive they are! They go for around £5k - £6k; always say to myself when I earn enough money I'll treat myself to one of them! But MacBooks are very good, expensive, but I'd say they are worth it. The Pro versions are slightly out of my budget at the moment though.
  8. Nice one. Getting a 13inch MacBook Air at the end of February; like you it will be most expensive thing I've bought outright. It's with student discount though, so it's all good.
  9. I voted yes, and was born in Lochee. #breakingboundaries
  10. I can name 2, possibly 3 people that were either in the year above me, or the year below me that may dabble in such activity. The place has over 1000 pupils, it's not really an astonishing number at all.
  11. Also Fettes is on a completely different level in terms of fees and all round poshness than DHS.
  12. Can never set foot in a changing room without having my back to the wall. Seems like the quote system has went haywire!
  13. And you couldn't be further from the truth by the way. My bursary was dependant on me participating in extra-curricular activities (rugby) and achieving a high standard of performance in my studies; my dad made it clear that I had to work my arse off to stay there, like he had to work his ass off to pay the discounted fees. Very rarely you get full fee bursaries. A lot of the people in my year were in the same position as me; grafters. Their parents were quite well off, yeah, but not so much where they could just 10/11 grand a year down the drain. You'll find people in grove have wealthier parents than those who go to DHS.
  14. I went to Dundee High through the Bursary scheme. All the way from Primary 1 to 6th year. You get arseholes in every school, and private schools are no different; regardless of the clientele. Would not hesitate to send my future kids there if I were in the position to do so; I fully believe that if I were in a state school, I wouldn't have progressed as much I have as a person. Some people may sneer at the cost, but I feel that the teacher-pupil relationship is something that has a lot of emphasis placed on it in private schools; the slightly smaller class numbers also help to improve performance. The abundance of extra-curricular activity that gets placed before you is brilliant in its own right.
  15. Quantitative vs Qualitative? I don't give a fuuuuuuuck.

    1. craigkillie


      Aye, it's only one of the most important parts of any scientific study.

    2. SweeperDee


      I know, and I'm equally skilled at both, hence me saying I don't give a f**k about which one I should use; I could use either.

  16. And for what it's worth, it's not the SPL anymore, it's just the Scottish Premiership. So the question still stands really.
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