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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I'm not worried at all. We've survived debts of over £20mil, we'll never go under.
  2. They're presiding over the best period of football I've seen at Dens for about 10 years. We're 6th for goodness sake!
  3. I've heard from a very reliable source that Godzilla has at least 7 girlfriends, and they all require at least £3000 spent on them individually per week. The source also told me he is the highest paid player in Scottish football history. This source is NEVER wrong. This "reliable source" thing is easy.
  4. That's excluding bonuses Ludo ffs; you're missing out the 5k unused sub fee.
  5. It's to avoid being detected by Youtube's copyright infringement detection system. If the film image is flipped/reversed, it doesn't seem to be picked up as fast if it were just a normal upload.
  6. Payed for a meal yesterday, and saw that the money came out of my account like expected. Checked my bank account this morning to see the money was refunded for some reason; brilliant.
  7. Go stick a fork in the micro and see how that ends up.
  8. Pocket change; we'll have two Craig Sibbald's please.
  9. He won't be able to tell you, unless he is privy to the ins and outs of Falkirk players contracts. Sheer jealousy is the cause of all this uproar.
  10. A talk from Guy Winch PhD addressing the current gap between physical care and mental/emotional care: https://www.ted.com/talks/guy_winch_the_case_for_emotional_hygiene#t-1031324 It's absolutely brilliant.
  11. You're probably right. I'm just wary of diet fizzy drinks (and fizzy drinks in general) because of the amount of weight they seem to cause people to pile on.
  12. For what it's worth, aspartame and the like have been linked to the development of cancer and other illnesses however the literature that states as much has been countered by the same amount of literature which says artificial sweeteners are not carcinogenic. Just use your common sense when it comes to consuming fizzy drinks though; you're young and it may not affect you as much just now but it will later on in life.
  13. Wait until later in life; you'll find your body won't react so well to diet fizzy drinks.
  14. Diet Irn Bru is still incredibly bad for you. The same goes for any diet version of any fizzy soft drink really.
  15. It's when people eat big while also drinking around 3 protein shakes a day without putting in the required training at the gym to actually make it worthwhile; prime candidates for becoming fat b*****ds.
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