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lionel hutz

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Posts posted by lionel hutz

  1. First Proper Training ride of 2017, for me today. Was going to do 48km but the weather intervened

    30km from Bridge of Don to Newmachar and back, first 12km were great with a mildish tailwind, changed to go into a crosswind for 6km, which is where the wind really picked up to gusts of 64km/h. The 12km headwind back to my flat was brutal, ended up bringing the average speed down by about 6km/h to 23.6k/h.

    Anyway, these base kilometres will help me, so I can actually be competitive in road races throughout 2017.

  2. Just now, bobbykdy said:

    You have over an hour between connection, where is the issue?

    Scotrail always f**k up when I have a connection, i can guarantee my train from Aberdeen will be delayed by 55mins or so, it always happens when I have a connection

  3. 4 minutes ago, stimpy said:

    Watching Jeremy Kyle this morning (i know but what else is a shift worker to do of a mid morning?) anyway, there was a lad on who's girlfriends Mum said he was cheating and going with men and all sorts. Then she said he had a rubber vagina that he used for his own pleasure, cue all the laughter from the mainly young female audience.I turned to my partner and pointed out that they had a bloody cheek as they've probably all got a wee box under the bed filled with an assortment of gadgets to pass the cold dark nights.
    "Well that's different"


    "just is"

    "so women can own all sorts of different implements to masturbate with but this poor fell can't have a rubber fanny?"


    I almost had a protest w**k right there in the living room but the 26 stone woman on Jeremy Kyle was making it difficult.

    That's feminism and equality for you

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