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Everything posted by Blaven

  1. Good show old chap. Be nice of him to stay in the shadows whilst Alex Salmond laps up the sunlight. Yah.
  2. Cameron with his St George flag tucked away in his Mrs handbag.
  3. F*ck that. Lets have team Scotland carry YES flags and team Engurland carry No flags.
  4. Mr Bairn had switched to YES yonks ago. He just cant face telling H B and Lexy.
  5. Stagnation is the very best No can hope for. When was the last time No gained any points?
  6. Just noticed the wheel coming off the no car. I like.
  7. Will we still have to turn up and vote in September then?
  8. This is what they truely hoped the YES campaign would have been resorted to months ago. With every utterance they loose votes. Keep it coming.
  9. I'm sure it will happen for Ms Bairn some day.HB I'm not too sure about.
  10. Been waiting for this statement for hours. Cheers.
  11. Naw. Its just what wee lassies do.
  12. Is this what inspires you to rehash the same question over and over again?
  13. He is stuck in a rut. Same old same old pish.
  14. Ok. I'm going to come clean. I do have an alias.. My alter ego name is Ad-Lib. Hope your proud of yourself for exposing me.
  15. Nothing wrong with poor grammer. Its the over use of zzzzzzzzzzzz. Its like not voting. It tells us nothing.
  16. Once YES starts advertising in CLOSER and TAKE A BREAK, I'm sure that will change.
  17. Do you intend to copy H B on everything, for the rest of your natural?
  18. I wouldn't be shocked if I vote SNP in 2016, and if the referendum is a yes vote I absolutely intend to vote for them in 2015. Eh?
  19. Dont know where to begin with this. Is having a job, a mortgage, a wife that likes to spend and two kids under five not enough to loose? What is it that YOU are definitely going to loose anyway? Why is it typical of people who only have nothing to loose. If you are only concerned that its people with nothing to loose who are voting YES, then why worry about the outcome?
  20. Also you cant prove something without testing, otherwise its called a theory. There is only one way to prove or disprove. TESTING.
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