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Everything posted by Blaven

  1. US fore warning its citizens to brace themselfs?
  2. What will her title be after independence?
  3. So we could call her Queen Elizabeth the II of Scotland?
  4. So if the two kingdoms where united to make one kingdom, that kingdom would have to be England or Scotland, otherwise it would be a new kingdom. Then dear auld Queeny should be Queen Elizabeth the first of that new kingdom. Either there are still two kingdoms or one was disolved into the other.
  5. No. Not correctly. Who calls her it though?
  6. Has she never been called the Queen of England? And Charlie and his sprog or his sprog have never, ever been called the future King of England either?
  7. So NOT the Queen of England? Never , ever the Queen of England?
  8. Is this what they mean by cooking the books?
  9. Ok then libs. Give us her title.Remember, the sevco chaps are listening.
  10. Wah wah waaaaaah. Scotland will do just fine thanks. Its the RUK that will have a very tough time coming up with a new title. Shame. It will be fun to watch.
  11. So dear Queenie is not the Queen of England then? If there is only one kingdom surely she sould be called the Queen of the UK.
  12. Still cant bring mydelf to read your tombs. Did you explain how the two kingdoms of England and Scotland became one kingdom? Why are there two crowns with Scottish crown jewels and English crown jewels?
  13. This is a new level of pish. United kindom of britain ( except Scotland ) and northern Ireland. There is no such thing as a kindom of great britain.
  14. Wonder if their new name for the RUK will start with an E and end in a D?
  15. It was a shock that the Falklands never shunned the UK and went out on their own. What a stong economic powerhouse the Falklands are. They also dont have any other countries claiming the rights to the Islands either. They are ideal for the RUK to keep their WMD on. Pitty their on the other side of the world.
  16. It wasn't the most productive of days. Hardly any post at all. Mr Bairn did manage to keep us all entertained with his abject failure though.
  17. Hard hitting and insightful as ever. Vile ethnic accent fascist racist nationalist. Did I miss any?
  18. Are you talking about colonies that are not independent?
  19. Dont they share a border and a currency though? Cant you go from one to the other without a passport? Wonder how people who live along this border cope. Imagin living in one country and working in an other. It must be torture. What if you lived in France, but the nearest Tesco was in Germany. What would you do? It must be hell.
  20. Mr Bairn will come round your house the next time Usain Bolt is running the 100 meters to make sure your cheering the guy fae England or Wales.
  21. I'm sure there are alot Jock's out their too. If your getting called Jock all the time and its not because its your name but because your Scottish, then taking on and calling yourself Jock will take the edge off someone else calling you it. I think the African American rappers caught on to something similar.
  22. Again. Who said this? Try and keep your inner feelings toward the English to yourself and stop trying to transfer them onto me. How did you get to persecution? I personaly dont know a single person who is English to feel persecuted by. Bet you do though. I would love to go to Ukrain. Bet its lovely this time of year. F*ck face? Yeah you won with that one. How could I come back fae that? Ya wee lassie.
  23. Hear we go. How did you get to that? Stereotyping the English? Where did Jock, Taffy and Paddy come from?
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