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Everything posted by macclyde+

  1. Apparently very highly rated by St Mirren, in fact some fans were surprised they let him go out on loan instead of including him in the First Team squad.
  2. Supporting the Club is the only way we will survive. Bleak times ahead with no fans allowed for the foreseeable. Hopefully we can get the live streaming up with good security measures, be nothing worse than illegal streaming denting the funds gained via this option. Also need it to be accessible PPV to everyone, including away fans, in order to maximise income.
  3. Like the sound of Henderson. Does have a bit of physicality about him as well ? One of the players we lost (Chris McStay) was a good physical presence in midfield, and I feel our other current options may leave us a bit light in there.
  4. Would be very surprised if Bryson even dropped down to Championship level. As is family is in Ayrshire, I wouldn't be surprised if he rejoined Killie.
  5. Hopefully has improved in the 9/10 months since he left there. Still only 19, so have faith in Danny and Alan to bring him on. God knows we need a left back, so good news at least for now !
  6. Think maybe you got mixed up with the 'On Trial' part : https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/4981019/shaun-grady-paisley-student-cocaine-drugs/
  7. From the source that 'confirmed' Agbonlahor. You never know if you mnetion every player who is free in Scottish football you might eventually get one right
  8. Can't believe relegation talk already because someone has signed a decent player who is likely to be injured half the season, ffs get a grip. Most of the teams in our situation will be waiting until September earliest, no point paying players to sit on their arse for 2 months when the budget is so tight.
  9. I would agree, similarities could be drawn with Tony Wallace, who was a decent League 2 player, but not good enough for League One. I think Omar would come into the same category.
  10. I take it you weren't too impressed by him then...
  11. Got the feeling he was trying too hard at times, and it just didn't quite come off for him. Seemed like a decent guy though and never hid, even when things were going tits-up for him. Wish him all the best, hope it works out for him at EK.
  12. Giving the money to charity is all very noble, but if this had been the intention I'm quite sure James Anderson would have done so himself !!
  13. 'Hearts reiterated their belief that no club should be disadvantaged unnecessarily amid the Covid-19 pandemic' Yet they did everything to push 14-14-14. Kevin Bridges would be delighted with material like that
  14. I think you would just click on Clyde FC Owners' Forum, then instead of Login click Register Website Account. Not 100% sure though, been a while since I last registered.
  15. I don't think this is an option at all for the smaller clubs. Fair enough that the season ticket money would maybe offset streaming access, however you also need to factor in loss of hospitality income (a fairly large part of the budget for some of the smaller clubs), plus you would still have to pay all of the players the same or similar money to what they are on just now. I don't see many other options out there, but live streaming could probably only work for the bigger clubs, if at all.
  16. Trouble is they think its OK cos they've never been in that position. I'm quite sure 10 years in the arse end League would change that opinion!!
  17. Stand out player for me has been Blair Lyons. Always caused us problems, and (unfortunately) will be a major asset for Thistle next season. In fact I would also say Cammy Ballantyne at RB. I suppose Montrose as a team have impressed me, possibly more than any other.
  18. Shame, however there was always at least one player who was given the treatment, the Clyde boo boys were probably just as bad. However Snowy was a big favourite during our 2nd Division title winning season in 1992-1993, and in fact scored a piledriver on Championship day down at Dumfries.
  19. Snowy Morrison, now there was a player ! Could ping one into the top bag from anywhere up to 40 yards, fond memories !!
  20. Absolutely, the only talk of reconstruction has come from 2 or 3 clubs who are disadvantaged. And whatever reconstruction brings, there are then bound to be other clubs disadvantaged (and yes my team is likely to be one of them). It makes more sense for clubs to vote on reconstruction at the beginning of next season (whenever that is), meaning less vested interest due to not knowing how the season is going to pan out.
  21. Raith Rovers have already benefitted from the original decision, so League reconstruction would not be detrimental in any way to them, and would again benefit from Falkirks large support if they also went up with reconstruction. Stranraer and Edinburgh would both be in the third tier should come about, no surprise they are both keen on it !! Be interesting to see what other clubs who get no benefit would vote, after all lets not kid ourselves, just about every club ,(including my own) will do so out of self interest.
  22. The EFL article appears to be a 'best case' scenario, and I would guess is highly unlikely to happen. I can't see the government allowing football to resume when in all likelihood many will still be losing their lives to the virus. Bit of perspective needed here I feel, I'm sure the EFL clubs would be better off financially in that scenario, but at what cost ??
  23. One small consolation is that we won't have to suffer that hate filled sectarian bile event tomorrow.
  24. Hadn't realised Stranraer had a game tonight. Not sure whether that will benefit us or not, but certainly won't help the state of the pitch for Saturday.
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