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Posts posted by Cowden316

  1. 4 hours ago, nofixedability said:

    Did a very good job for Forfar after Bollan left us in a mess at the bottom of a table….

    Jim Weir decent win ratio on average and good win ratio at the clubs he has served apart from his spell at Arbroath. 

    Bollan was a credible appointment at the time as he also had an excellent win ratio track record and started their spell well given where we had been. 

    Looking forward to the new management which will hopefully be refreshing for the club. 

    Would be good to to see Mixu at the club had and good chat with him back in 2018/19 when he appeared at our club a few times. A real gentleman. 

    Seasonal starts again now - 3points Let's push on 

  2. 3 minutes ago, silkybeath said:

    Appointing young blood can be really successful as you mentioned (Mixu, Cameron) or a risk (Fox, Nish).

     A Barry Robson, Steven Naismith or Charlie Adam (no chance) would bring new ideas

    Other options, Jardine (with Mbu) as mentioned, Stevie Crawford, Kevin Harper, Jenkins.

    Will be interested to see what interest there is from applicants.

    Maybe Dick Campbell is bored of Arbroath 😁

    Will certainly be interesting to see who applies. 

    Think Dick will be enjoying the dizzy heights of potential premiership playoffs. An Excellent manager. 


  3. 9 minutes ago, cowdenbeath said:

    Gary Jardine is a good non league manager won the LL twice with Edinburgh City and kept them up in their first SPFL season.

    A guy who seems to get the best out of players on what I presume are small budgets given the sides he has been at.

    Knows how to organise a team well as shown today.

    Be interesting to see who applies for the job.

    Might be an okay appointment but risky in the sense most of his success is at Lowland League level and we might want to consider SPFL successful experience as is any managerial appointment risky mind you. 

    Yogi Hughes if he was interested at this level? Probably too pricey wage wise though? 

    Or Maybe look back at our previous history success on manager appointments i. E have they been new managers although I think that approach is high risk given our current league position



  4. Good opportunity for the club to reset and review the direction we are headed as a club. 

    Bollan no doubt helped stabilise the club during our free fall which I am grateful for and thankful he helped prevent us losing to Cove. 

    When Bollan first took charge the make up of his team fought tooth and nail in games but sadly that has well and truly worn off and our current state of on field play/results is unacceptable. 

    However its now time to move on and hopefully the next appointment will provide the club some much needed refreshment with energy, positivity and ambition. 

    The next manager must be able to understand the importance of engaging with fans and the community at a small club at ours helping develop positive relationships and transparency. 

    This is an opportunity for our club to rebuild and progress positively who ever the next appointment might be. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, onecowden said:

    Goodness me. Things are going from bad to worse. Shambolic.

    Shambolic alright. 

    What a complete mess we find ourselves in. 

    We look like a side heading to Lowland League oblivion sadly unless we drastically improve and make a positive recovery. 

    Something has to change urgently as something is clearly not right at our club. 

    Utterly appalling. 

    All the best to CS Strollers in the next round 


  6. If this is a team/players battling for survival in a very important game I am deeply concerned. 

    Absolutely appalling first half. 

    Either the players are not playing for the manager or the manager can no longer get results and the best out of their team selection.

    Something is clearly not right and there has to be a level of responsibility. 

    Either way something has to change and fast and brave bold leadership decisions are now required. 

    We have been here before and the alarm bells are truly ringing. 

  7. Just thought I would congratulate all at Arbroath. What a time you are having and what an achievement from your manager Dick Campbell taking a part time  from the lower reaches of the SPFL leagues to currently 3rd in the championship. Very inspiring . 

    Credit where credit is due. 

    Enjoy yourselves and best of luck for the rest of your season as we look upwards from the foot of the SPFL.

  8. 1 hour ago, iateallthepies said:

    Don't know why we signed these young guys from the Rovers if we are not going to give them a game. In each of the last three games the opposition have used four substitutes to keep the tempo up while we have visibly tired. Who was the new guy on the bench?He  didn't get any game time either.

    They seem to just be brought in to warm the bench. If I was Mcglynn I wouldn't be pleased and would be recalling them back to Raith. 

    Unless there is some other reason we as fans don't know about.

    Who knows as there is a lack of communication/engagement between the manager and fans i. E no post match interview for a while?

    You have to engage and provide dialogue with a small community club such as ours in some shape or form which is severely lacking at present. Digitally in these current circumstances. 

    Would be good to see a statement from the gaffer on how he looks to put things right and his thoughts as at the end of the day we as fans pay our money and want to see results. 

    Yes I am not a happy bunny tonight as I don't like seeing our club in the position it is currently under especially for all our board of directors and volunteers at the club due to all  the hard work they put in to the give us a football club which I am sure we all appreciate.

    They and our fans deserve our club to be in a much better position than we currently are . 

    Hopefully we are of to a slow start and can start picking up a winning streak to move up the table. 

    I openly suggested Bollan as a preference with his track record well before he was announced as our manager and he has the experience and ability to turn this around. However I am concerned as we all are with how things are just now and we must improve. 

    When you look at what Dick has achieved at Arbroath from a bottom league two club to currently sitting third in the championship. It shows what can be achieved at a part time club with the right manager at the helm and Bollan and the team should be aspiring to that level of success. Very inspiring and from a local football manage too. 

    Hopefully we can bring the good times again back to Central Park 




  9. bbc city GIF

    Tough and difficult conversations to be made in my opinion 4 games defeated in a row completely unacceptable with this squad. 

    I am deeply concerned that we are not progressing as a club despite the tremendous amount of hard work and commitment that goes on behind the scenes. We just simply seem to continually be in survival mode albeit unprecedented times has not helped matters. 

    The trapdoor will eventually give way and we cannot keep riding our luck and unfortunately nobody has a magic wand .

    We have a squad this season that yes good on paper but the league table doesn't lie. With this squad we are under achieving and something I don't know what isn't right. Defensively lacking too this season which is quite surprising with the good committed players such as Barr and Todd. 

    Everyone team/manager has to step up and be accountable and improve things very quickly. 



  10. Time to regroup, review and build with what will hopefully be a better season next season and as mentioned more normality with hopefully fans returning. 

    Glad we are safe from any pyramid playoffs. 

    Difficult set of circumstances for all clubs  this season due to these continued strange times we live in but thankfully we pulled through and hopefully on the road to better times ahead. 

    Although this season was an underachievement I think a huge thanks has to go to the volunteers, board members, players and coaching staff for their resilience and continued efforts in very difficult and unusual circumstances. 

    Best wishes to everyone connected to our club and hope you and your family remain safe and well and have a good summer. 

    Hopefully we will all be together soon at Central Park and having a few beers and laughs together in the not too distant future. 


  11. 15 minutes ago, PELE said:

    Yeah. Unbelievable. We cannot score, so we bring in some other strikers. What do we do? Give them very little game time and stick with one upfront, that one being the 'striker' that plays almost every minute of every game and rarely even threatens the opposition goal.

    No doubt our tactics will be the same again for the remaining games.

    Far too negative tactics especially at home and where all that was needed tonight was a draw. 


  12. 16 minutes ago, PELE said:

    Hoping Annan do us a favour on Thursday now.

    We should be looking to perform ourselves without relying on other results. 

    Wouldn't be surprised if Brechin win on Thursday as they will likely take confidence from tonight's game. 

    However am I right in saying Annan could still be pulled into the bottom of spot which will make it an interesting battle for both? 

  13. Disappointed not to collect the 3 points but was just one of those games where the ball unfortunately would not go in the back of the net for us despite the efforts to do so. 

    Positives we created plenty of chances but just couldn't convert plus the Brechin keeper pulled off a good save as did Hogarth thankfully for us from the Mckee free kick. 

    Next season we definitely have to get our forward line right with someone who is going to score goals as 10 goals in 18 "games is where part of our problem is I feel which compared to Brechin they also have scored 10 so no surprise a nil nil

    Still though a draw better than a defeat to the keep the gap the same. 

    Not sure what fitness levels were but think Harvey on from the start he might have either scored or created a goal. 

    Who do we play next? 

  14. 1 hour ago, andrew21 said:

    Cowdenbeath's form was poor before the league was halted last season with only two wins in last nine matches against bottom teams Brechin City and Albion Rovers. More than likely Queens Park and Stirling Albion would have overtaken them before end of the season. 

    Or we could have overcome that bad run of form but we were still fourth at the time. Who knows and we will never know. 

  15. 24 minutes ago, PELE said:

    We need a threat upfront to take some of the pressure off the rest of the team. If we did have a threat upfront, we wouldn't be so bad and we are not safe yet. The win against Elgin made a huge difference though. 

    The problem we have, and it's not a new one, is money. We struggle to compete with the rest of the league and the teams at the top of the Lowland League. The people behind the scenes do an amazing job and they are the only reason we still exist. So, unless someone appears with wads of cash, we will likely stay at this level. Our aim is to attract a manager with potential who is beginning their management career and together with some shrewd signings hopefully make us challengers.

    The whole unprecedented circumstances of this season hasn't helped and the impact of the start stop season has also impacted. 

    Bollan for me has the experience and knowledge at this level and yes he certainly isn't getting some things right just now but surely with fingers crossed we end the season safely then he is given another first proper season. We were doing well remember last season in 4th. 

    When you say potential manager who decides and assesses that potential we have been down that road before and look where it has landed us. 

    Experience in these leagues I believe is what is required for now my personal preference certainly wouldn't be gambling with up and coming potential managers whilst in league two with no experience unless they were bringing in an experienced backroom team maybe in League One but not for me with the pyramid below. Just my opinion but I appreciate sometimes you have to take risks and if you are fortunate enough to get a Mixu then great but a risk and a higher risk in this league. 

    In regards to today's result the less said about that the better, and move forward to Tuesdays crucial game. 

    Key is pulling together and a huge reaction on Tuesday and dust down from today's poor result. 

    We go Tuesday 

  16. What a difference and huge improvement from our last couple of games. 

    A big well done to the team for today's performance taking into account only just played on Thursday. Great response from the team. 

    Harvey looks better and more threatening by each game he plays , we showed solid defensive efforts today, good midfield with Hutton showing in my opinion his best performance for Cowdenbeath so far. Barr and Todd leading the back line and Renton put in a great shift and got us the goal that rewarded us a very mportant 3 points. 

    That was more of what we are capable of when we press teams as we look more dangerous when we press the opposition. 

    Overall a good performance and something to build on. Well done Cowden



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