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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. I've no idea what they'll ultimately decide but it wouldn't surprise me if games were kicking off at twelve noon for a while to come. There are no home midweek games scheduled for this season so it might be better to do without until the summer. At which point we'll know what league we're playing in and whether we can budget for fans attending again. Then they can decide whether it's better to do a patch repair or maybe even renew the whole lighting system.
  2. There's damage high up on one of the pylons which creates a possible risk of things falling onto the pitch. The damaged bit will be removed by a crane tomorrow. I'd guess it takes a while to hire in specialist equipment and make all the safety arrangements.
  3. That's not the point. In the current climate every business has to assess the risk of stricter controls and further lockdowns limiting their income before deciding how they operate. Football clubs are no different. While I have no idea of things like ongoing ground maintenance costs, I assume most clubs could have avoided any danger to their existence simply by sitting out the current season. Without any football penalties. They had the chance and they said no. Fair enough. But surely you budget for a worst-case scenario, which is a season with no fans. Given the lack of a vaccine when the clubs voted to return that was always a possibility. If Morton are staring into the abyss before even the first round of games has been completed then someone at that club has seriously screwed up. Particularly as their expenditure should be lower than originally estimated. (At the time clubs gave a commitment to playing, covid testing was mandatory and must surely have been budgeted for. In Falkirk's case, the requirement to test was dropped only a few days before the players reported back for training) Does the government step in every time a company screws up its finances and goes under? Did they step in when Falkirk went into provisional liquidation? I think we both know the answer to that one. Nobody should step in to help Morton.
  4. Just been thinking of something. If we win or avoid defeat next Saturday we'll have gone through the first round of league matches unbeaten. When was the last time that happened? Not since we got relegated from the SPL, and certainly not when we were in it. Which takes us back at least fifteen years. We won the league in 2004/05 but I remember us losing the first game of the season at Love St when John O Neill got a straight red for what I think was an alleged spitting incident. We also won it wo years before that, in our final season at Brockville. Jobbie got us off to a great start. We won every one of our first eight games and were unbeaten until the very last match of the first quarter, when we went up to Arbroath. I can vaguely recall rumours that he'd just told the players he was leaving for Tannadice. Which may explain why we lost 2-0. I can't be bothered checking further back tonight, but I'll have a look through the stats tomorrow. It must be a hell of a long time ago though. Prior to Jobbie's side, the best team I saw was the Stainrod one and it only clicked after a 2-2 draw in thick fog at Dens Park. At which point I'm sure we'd already lost three or four games. And that was around 1990. So at least 30 years since we went through an opening quarter (or third in this case) unbeaten? Anyone know for sure, or care to check up and save me the bother?
  5. Not really. You have no idea why he didn't start, but given that Hall hasn't played RB for us before, and that a match against the best team in Scotland probably isn't a good time to experiment, I suspect your conclusion is wrong. Particularly as Mercer hasn't even been in the squad in the three previous games since he was dropped without explanation. I think it's more likely that's he's been unavailable through injury. And that last night - when he was named on the bench - saw his first steps back towards full fitness.
  6. I believe we've always taken it extremely seriously. For example, I heard that none of our directors have travelled to an away game since the season began. I certainly haven't seen any, even though the SPFL rules for professional sport allow it. I also heard that the Rangers board will be travelling from their tier four area to attend TFS on Sunday. Of course, that may turn out to be a completely unsubstantiated and inaccurate rumour when matchday arrives.. We shall see..
  7. They're not in changing rooms because AFAIK the players turn up to the stadium in their training gear and never go indoors until matchday. Not sure about away games, but at TFS they're split into two dressing rooms and socially distanced in each. Which makes teamtalks a challenge. They obviously do come into close contact during training and matches but as the govt allows that I'm guessing the risk of infection in those is considered minimal.
  8. One was a retired ambulance worker who returned to the service when the crisis began in order to help his former colleagues. He caught covid, presumably in the course of his duties, and died from it. A sobering reminder to all those who take an "I'll do what I want" attitude as to what price others might have to pay for their actions.
  9. I know we asked for the recording, if for no other reason than to give the management the opportunity to do video analysis. I'm sure one of the FFCTV guys said on social media they hope to put to put together a highlights package.
  10. Spoke to the guys after the game today. They're not allowed to travel because as long as the home club is streaming then you can't justify their journey as being essential. Dumbarton will be streaming it.
  11. Not sure when press interviews are currently held, but they used to be done on a Tuesday so that may be out of date.
  12. The usual three FFCTV guys were there so they'll do highlights plus an interview with McCracken.
  13. You know I'd get my arse kicked if I did that Ranaldo. He's an ex-FVFA goalie. I'm sure Banta can find out, even if he did get the trialist at Montrose wrong.
  14. I think that's us done, albeit the AGM comments about 2 new defenders pretty much said that anyway. If you include Lee Miller we have 23 players now.
  15. Not really. New arrivals are usually the first choice when selecting a player to promote something; think Morrison re snoods, Keena re training wear, Gow re season tickets, etc.
  16. We had trialists on the bench last season between Cammy Bell leaving and Ferrie coming in from Dundee. I'd be surprised if we did anything differently this time.
  17. Keithgy correctly named him earlier in the week and am sure will confirm for you. He was only there for the one game as there were no trialists in the League Cup ties. I wouldn't expect to see him tomorrow given that he was also a left back.
  18. The impression I got is that he's considered good enough to start, which isn't quite the case yet for BS. As others have alluded to, that would allow Dixon to move into the middle and if we bring in a CH that gives us four players for two centreback positions.
  19. No, headshots of the players. Sadly no team photo this year for obvious reasons.
  20. Spoke to him this morning. It's not a long term injury and he'll back much sooner than I think everyone feared. The manager might give out a timescale next time he does a press or FFCTV interview.
  21. No no Shadwell, the new posters are " bang on" with their info, even if they'll disappear like snow off a dyke as soon as the vote is closed and their cheerleading is done. I don't have any ITK knowledge of boardroom shenanigans as it was never an area that interested me, as one or two folk who know me personally will confirm. I have no skin in this game. And from what I can see from public statements the Rawlins investment appears to be sound. They have a proven football background, money to spare, experience that will be useful and credible reasons for wanting to get involved. It seems ideal for us with no obvious downsides. Were I a shareholder I would be voting for it. Do you know what puts me off? The only thing I can find fault with? The PR effort that's gone into promoting this and rubbishing a possible alternative. Not so much on official channels but on various fan forums. The scare stories, the cheerleading, the reliable sources who only seem to give out information that points one way. All of it makes me uneasy. It smacks of trying to manipulate people to get the result you want which I'm not comfortable with from a football club.
  22. No offence, but that sounds like a Project Fear story. I'm pretty sure ML cut all ties with the club when the rest of the BOD basically forced her out. The thought of her getting involved again - and doing so with AT - seems unlikely.
  23. How does the resolution prevent them selling their shares? Surely that's a separate transaction which is irrelevant to the new investment. Particularly as the person who was rumoured to be keen on buying MSG shares has nothing to do with the Rawlins.
  24. Serious question... WTF is this? Tied to one of the terraces at Links Park yesterday.
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