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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. The first paragraph sums up my point Edi. You have no idea what rights an ordinary fan will have but you're making assumptions and criticising accordingly. Every negative point you've made in the last couple of hours is based on assumptions. As for the second, I actually agree with you. I've been involved with the club for a long time, previously through Bairnstrust and then through voluntary roles. I've known a lot of people who suffered from what I call "big man syndrome." Folk who held positions - either voluntary, employed or occasionally on the board - and who used those positions to tell the world how important and well-connected they were. Or their acquaintances did, by trying to pass themselves off as ITK. And it's gotten worse with the internet age. As various leaks when we make a signing will confirm. There's always a danger that by inviting greater involvement from the fanbase you risk bringing in such people. However, I believe the benefits outweigh those risks.
  2. From the information given tonight anyone who participates will be buying shares at 33p each and will thus become a shareholder. With all the rights to attend AGMs this entails. The only difference is that their voting rights won't be exercised individually on the night of the AGM. The fans shareholding will be a "block" vote. There will probably need to be a fans group, made up of payees into the scheme. where individuals will be asked how the entire group should vote on AGM night. I presume the voting power of individuals in this group will depend on how much they've contributed. The group will be represented by whoever they choose to nominate. At least that was my take on the presentation. I may be completely wrong as those details may not have been worked out yet and my assumptions could be inaccurate. I don't think that was what tonight was about though. It was simply to introduce the proposed scheme to us ordinary fans and see if there was enough "buyin" to make it viable. It seems that you're picking faults with details which may not have been agreed yet. Particularly as you can contact the people who will provide those details at any time. If you're so interested I suggest you speak to them rather than posting on P&B. Will you make that contact, as you evidently failed to do after your comments on the consortium were rebuffed? Or will you hide behind an internet username and use it to criticise the work of others from anonymity?
  3. Agreed, because they'll not only put in the majority of the cash but they'll do it in the fastest timescale. And if the average punter sees the scheme working then it makes it more likely they'll buy in. I'm half-tempted to splash out and join the patrons just that I can vote against you if you run for one of that group's places on the BOD.
  4. I think the ordinary fans will. From the numbers talked about tonight it will cost probably ten pounds a month over 2 years. When you consider the other costs associated with following a football club every week that's not a lot. Particularly for the chance to bring about change. I will be joining. I always said I would never buy shares as I spend thousands every year buying equipment to support FFC in other ways and I always said that was enough. However, this is different. If this scheme doesn't appeal to the average supporter then I honestly don't know what will.
  5. That seems unlikely. We were interested in him during the summer; I think Paul Hartley admitted that at one of the fans forums. There was also interest from other Scottish Championships clubs. Andy still has friendships with people at FFC and keeps in touch with them. One of those folk told me back in July that he didn't want to go on loan to any club who would be playing against Falkirk.
  6. This post is going to go down in P&B history as the most green-dotted of all time, at least by the Falkirk support.
  7. No, the process is that the player gets medical-ed and then he and his agent sign the contract and all the relevant paperwork. After that they're brought through to me and sometimes interviewed for FFCTV. If it's a "big" signing like a manager then he often gets unveiled at a formal press conference with other media, though in some cases I get access to them beforehand. I don't think we'd ever do it the other way round. And I'm not just saying that for any Morton fans reading. Delays in announcements are usually due to getting agreements on timings from the previous / parent club.
  8. I do occasionally get days where I can enjoy my retirement rather than spending all of them at a football stadium. Today was one of them as no signings were ever planned for it. Most of the Commercial team are still off too. Whether the club will make any announcements based on pictures I may have taken yesterday is up to them. I don't know. Not my department I'm afraid; unpaid volunteers don't dictate timings. The only thing I'd be confident of is that Tom Dallison won't be announced as having left. That's not ITK, but rather based on an earlier prediction made by someone else whose success rate would make Michael Fish and David Icke blush. Unless of course he counters that "leaving" meant Dallo was going home to dinner, a movie on TV and then bed.
  9. They have just tweeted about Aiden Laverty. He is one of our youth players who is recovering from injury but nothing about Shayne Lavery yet that I can see. Aidan injured his cruciate a couple of weeks back, as the "ACL" term in his tweet confirms. He'll be out for a long time. Gutted for him as he's a good lad and I think his contract's up in the summer. Hopefully we look after him in the same way that we did for Cammy Eadie a couple of years back. As for the rumoured signing, if he's coming in on loan, as you would assume from a player of an EPL club, then any announcements have to be co-ordinated with them. These often take a while to get agreed or at least they have in the past.
  10. Indeed. All that matters is whether they can play on Saturday.
  11. Sorry Edi. I promised myself that I'd try not to respond to your posts but when I read that I nearly spat out my coffee laughing. It's been reported elsewhere that we're bringing in a striker from Everton, so I suppose it stands to reason that you'ld guess at the guy we were linked with in the summer. Fraser Hornby never got a contract offer from Falkirk incidentally. That whole story was an internet rumour. You're as wrong with this guess as you were with the name of a centre half. The ironic thing is that there are now a number of people who DO know names, as they've been sent to me privately. There's a good reason for that which I'm not going into. If you were even remotely ITK you'ld have that info; everyone else seems to have it bar you. And I'm not winding you up by saying that.
  12. I'm done for the day, having left the stadium about four. Whether the club will make further announcements remains to be seen. Posts from BPM suggest they will and he usually tends to be accurate, unless of course he's ranting about his favourite topic.
  13. Well done Bairndado. More ITK than Edi, because you correctly predicted when departures would be announced. He must be raging that he said "or tomorrow morning". If he'd gone for "or tomorrow night" he'd have been bang on the money.
  14. It's either that or ignore people. If I gave an honest answer I'd get hung, drawn, quartered, castrated and defenestrated. Or worse still, made to wear a Dunfermline top. The only place where you'll get that sort of news is the official channels. Keep watching them.
  15. Having been here since 9am, I'm still here. Of course, I could just be doing the usual stuff for the Commercial Dept.
  16. A Morton fan harvesting loads of greenies from the Falkirk support. Who'ld have thunk it?
  17. Greetings from the Falkirk Stadium. I just inquired of someone who knows the timings of departures. None will be announced this evening, tomorrow morning or indeed tomorrow afternoon. Here to help. And before someone asks, I just popped in to wish the boys a Happy New Year. Same to you Edi and to all Falkirk fans.
  18. Ryan Flynn? Darren doesn't look convinced about that one.
  19. Is that online anywhere or is this you teaching Edi what real ITK is all about?
  20. I think the Herald were briefed on Haber as they ran a sort of cryptic story recently with a picture of him and a caption along the lines of "catch this guy while you can as he won't be here for long". It was no secret that the club were keen to get him out.
  21. Keep an eye on the website from the middle of the week onwards and you might find out.
  22. Dumbuya actually left more than a week ago whereas Haber was on the bench on Saturday. I notice that the Record broke the story and our announcement followed 15 mins later, so possibly all the departures were planned to be listed at the same time and we just had to bring that one forward after a journo got in first.
  23. The majority of the trialists who've been named recently were given out by Ray during his weekly press conferences. AR and CB certainly came into that category. You'll never stop individual stories getting out, particularly from agents trying to drum up interest in their clients. Or journos taking a flyer. But that idea that someone could be ITK enough to know so much of the whole plan - and then be daft enough to put it on the internet - is very unlikely.
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