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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. By then four complete weeks will have passed since the end of the season. Four weeks in which the manager was unable to do anything in terms of recruitment. Four weeks in which our targets who wanted to sign (or re-sign) were being tempted by offers from elsewhere Some might suggest that the deadline to declare "disaster and disgrace" has long since passed.
  2. 20th June. Not sure why, but no matter wo the manager is they always come back on a Thursday.
  3. It is. The manager only wants three games. The Herald article is a bit out of date. All the games are arranged and confirmed. I presume FFC will announce the Brechin one nearer the time.
  4. I really hope investment does happen, my only concern would be how long this could take. This is a critical time of the season and if this was a long drawn out affair it could be an issue with regards to the budget the manager has for players. The manager has players lined up and yet we're now in the third week after the season ended - with not a single signing. That suggests it may already be an issue, albeit as long as those players don't get fed up waiting and go elsewhere then it won't ultimately matter. Everything seems to be on hold just now. No confirmation of the full release list, no dates for strip or season ticket launch, no preseason announcements and even the Commercial Dept aren't pushing stories or sponsorships. We appear to be in limbo until the ownership / investment issue is resolved. It's obviously vital that we don't jump into bed with the next Craig Whyte, but I do agree with your concerns about timescales.
  5. Why do you believe investment won't happen BPM? We have the various Herald stories about prospective new owners so someone's obviously feeding them intel. I'm not a fan of the Herald but for all their mistakes they don't make things up. I'd suggest that change - and thus investment - seem inevitable. The only reason to assume the worst be if you were listening to a source on the board or MSG who was spreading scare stories.
  6. The board will go eventually. The online comments, the demonstrations of the last few games and the obvious desire of some of the big players to get out mean that change is inevitable. My personal opinion is that some people badly need to leave and that others who're the focus of fan anger ought to stay. None of that matters though. All of their times are up and they know it. Major change is coming. In the end the current custodians will hand over the reins. The question is what will the next lot be like? I'm wary of change, because I remember when the Deans / Fulston ran the club, but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best. We've been too cautious for too long and it's deposited us in League One. It's time to try something else.
  7. They'll know what they intend to charge for seasons and will be estimating how many we'll sell, which is how they do it every year.
  8. I'd be a little wary of making allegations like that if I were you. While I don't know what happens at every club, the manager normally only employs people working directly with the team. Players, coaches, sports science, maybe kitman, and one other. And 99% of those appointments are male. The only role where the applicant might be female is the physio. Morton have a female physio, as I think do Dundee Utd. I'm not sure either of those folk would be pleased to read your last post. Let's just say that as a Morton fan you have reasons for disliking McKinnon and leave it at that.
  9. Unless you know the people I've spoken to it's nonsense for you to claim a falsehood. I'm not going to name names, but I will say that all the folk I was referring to are photographers, some work for the largest press agency in Scotland and one is female. Funnily enough the female one was the person who praised him the most highly. I can think of one manager I know who had a very obvious liking for the ladies. I've never seen anything like that from McKinnon. Not even a hint of it. I'm not saying you're lying but it doesn't tie up with my experience of the man.
  10. That was probably me, as I was reporting the thinking of the coaching staff at the club. This year we went one better. We had five. Mitchell, Fasan, Burgoyne, Mutch and the one that most folk are probably unaware of - Brett Young. He was the backup keeper for the reserves and I think only played twice all season. Albeit there were only four keepers at the club at the one time, as Mutch went on loan to Deveronvale in January when Burgoyne came in. I've no idea what will happen next year or even whether we'll have a reserve team.
  11. I've no idea what he's like behind the doors of the dressing room, but outwith that he's actually a really nice guy. I've spoken to club staff at Dundee Utd and press who've known him for years and nobody has a bad word to say about him. Despite the mewlings of Morton fans, he seemed to be popular at Cappielow too. I watched the technical area closely as soon as we arrived at Cappielow for his first match there as Falkirk manager. There were a lot of hugs, handshakes and big smiles between him and the Morton backroom staff and players. It didn't look fake or forced and was totally the opposite of what was coming out of their boardroom.
  12. I've no idea of the figures - BPM will no doubt be along shortly to correct you if they're wrong - but if accurate that puts a slightly different light on the SA / South stand debate. It suggests SA is giving us a 33 year mortgage, possibly without charging interest depending on how many years the lease is contracted to run for. Given that at his age he's unlikely to live that long he'll certainly never get his money back. Which makes him pretty much the opposite of a leech IMO. Unless of course your figures are out or the lease runs for 100 years, in which case it's designed to benefit his descendants to the detriment of the club. I don't know. I'd be interested to find out and would certainly want to know that info before passing judgement on the man.
  13. He probably was. Sorry. I don't have a great sense of humour at the best of times and when I'm just finishing off the last of a bottle of whisky it's dulled even further. Grumpy old bugger I am.
  14. Great, the guy that does the clubs twitter is signing players noo The manager signs players. Connor does football admin - amongst a whole pile of other jobs - which means he deals with the paperwork involving signings, contract offers etc.
  15. The Commercial turnover has more than doubled since Kieran took over. I know the figures as KK and I are sort of friends, given that some weeks I'm never away from the stadium and it's usually because I'm doing stuff to help the Commercial Dept. However I'm not going to put them online. Sorry Marsh, but I just don't think it would be appropriate. That sort of thing should come out in AGM accounts and nowhere else. The fact that he was promoted from manager to director and has twice been approached for positions elsewhere would suggest that he's doing a good job though. If you choose to disbelieve it that's your prerogative.
  16. Exactly a year ago today, P&B went into meltdown when we made our first signing of the new season...… Tom Dallison.
  17. I don't think that's been decided yet, or at least it hadn't been when I was in on Monday.
  18. Nothing to do with me; I just turn up after the medical is done. Connor is the social media team, though he takes input from Kieran Koszary & Craig Campbell.
  19. The list isn't exhaustive. There are players out of contract who're not mentioned (Dunne, Mitchell, McKee) and none of the exyouth / reserve players are on it.
  20. We're going to get one anyway. All the players were told today who would get new contract offers. I spoke to one of them who gave me four names who'll definitely stay, plus one who'll be signing when the window opens. There are a few others who have the option to stay or go and haven't yet decided what to do. Another summer of change is on the cards.
  21. One way or other, the old guard are on the way out. I think they'll slip away quietly and leave statements to their replacements. I'd be surprised if you see anything soon other than a list of players who won't be here next season.
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