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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. Somebody got very, very lucky with the timing of his windup.
  2. Strange; what's the point of seeking an elevated position and then not using it for the highlights? Maybe you should use the money from the paywall to hire someone competent in H&S legislation. Particularly the Working At Height Regulations.
  3. 1500 average was probably not far off being accurate in those days, though I'd have expected it to be a wee bit higher. I remember Alex Totten's first game in charge attracting a 1500 attendance for a 1-0 win over Hamilton. Our attendances are now far greater than they were when I first started attending games. There are probably a number of factors for this, but I think the Foundation plays a massive part. There are around a thousand kids a week playing football with a steeple on their strips and the impact that's had over the last decade shouldn't be underestimated.
  4. Haven't spoken to him, but I believe he's from further afield. Let's leave it at that.
  5. If it helps save a couple of pages of speculation, I'll supply that it's not El Bak, Joel Thomas or any of the other names mentioned anywhere. I doubt anyone on P&B will have heard of him. He played on Tuesday and has been part of the training since at least the swimming session last Saturday, which is the first time I saw him. I have no idea if he'll get a deal. He looked lively enough , as did many of the team. It was a far, far more encouraging performance than the garbage I saw a year ago in Wales. Don't want to put pressure on anyone but Charlier Telfer in particular looks a class act, with several of the others not far behind. There were quite a few spectators today so I imagine others will giver their impressions over the coming days. Although closed-door, there was nothing to prevent folk watching if they knew the location and KO time.
  6. You were in for him, but the deciding factor was location rather than money.
  7. Our biggest problem may be injuries. If our squad is around 18 then any more than two out injured and we won't be able to fill the bench on a matchday.
  8. It's not hard to get things right at the moment. In the good old days when Craig Campbell was here (cue Marshmallo furiously red-dotting this post), signing info was withheld from certain people until the last very minute. Now that he's gone we have more leaks than the Titanic.
  9. He does, because he had a big cheesy grin on his face when I was introduced to him. Some folk just don't like smiling for the camera. It's more common than you would think.
  10. Personally speaking, the reasoned responses aren't aimed at the original poster. They're aimed at the occasional visitor who might think his points are accurate and have credibility. You can't do it all the time but sometimes it's worthwhile confronting a lie.
  11. Laverty's contract was up too, but in the end of season release list he was one of the ones mentioned as returning for season 2019/20. He did his cruciate last December so I'd guess we're looking after him by not releasing a young player when he's out with a long term injury, as he would have no chance of getting a contract elsewhere. I presume we quietly signed him up for another year to let him recover and hopefully fight for a place once he's fit. We have previous for this sort of thing; the same happened with Cameron Eadie a couple of years back. I think it reflects well on the club.
  12. Like all the other youth players, his contract expired at the end of last season. There have been no announcements of an extension so it would be reasonable to assume he's only training with us.
  13. Tidser asked for 12. I understand that he always uses that number; I think one of his children was born on the 12th and another in December. Alternatively, there's a much more amusing theory which involves laughing at the Morton fans; it's to commemorate their most famous result. I ten two go with that one myself. DKD will not be coming back.
  14. I stand corrected then. You obviously have a better contact than anyone else, and of course your history of being proven right is impeccable. This contact - was he the one who said Robson would leave in January? That Lewis Kidd would be our right back for the season and that Joe McKee would be one of the last players sold?
  15. Not true, as BPM also just confirmed. If you're genuinely trying to influence opinions then you should stop posting, as people just assume anything you now say is a lie. That's what happens when someone comes up with the utter tripe that you did around six months ago. The boy who cried wolf, and all that. The simple fact that you support them damages the very people you're trying to champion.
  16. I thought I saw a post from you elsewhere predicting that the BOD would announce today that all bids had been withdrawn and that the current owners were staying in place. Or words to that effect anyway. Was I mistaken?
  17. On this we can agree, and tbh I don't think there's any Falkirk fan who would argue otherwise.
  18. Of course I do. But that's not what my last couple of posts have been about. I believe there are still bids on the table and have given my reasons as to why. Time will tell as everything will come out in the end.
  19. I don't know any of the three new directors. However, how can they "provide scrutiny and guidance on new ownership bids" if those bids don't exist? They could keep quiet about it for a few months but once the truth came out it would destroy their reputations forever. And if they're weel-kent local faces, as the statement seems to imply, they're not really in a position to perpetuate a lie. Does anyone know these people? Are they credible and trustworthy?
  20. I'm pretty confident it's not. Over the last week, I've been in contact with three different sources and all said that those bids are still on the table. One of those sources, whom I trust implicitly, has nothing to do with the board, the directors, the MSG or the employees. His information comes from well outwith FFC and as it ties with what I've heard from within the club I believe it. Out of interest, why do people believe otherwise? Is it just down to suspicion of the owners, which is perfectly reasonable, or does anyone actually have anything concrete they can report? A conversation with one of the directors? A communication with the guys involved with fan ownership? Anything at all?
  21. TBH, until last season I don't think any Falkirk fan had an issue with Morton. Our fans are simply responding to a couple of their lunatic posters who have an obsession with us. Every team have a number of roasters amongst their support. Morton seem to have a higher percentage of them on P&B than most other clubs though. There are a number of sensible ones, but when you look at the guys that continually red dot and slag each other, the boring virgin and the obsessive who only seems to post about FFC, it's very hard not to belittle them.
  22. 13 atm. Bell, Buchanan, Connolly, Dixon, Doyle, Durnan, Gomis, Laverty, MacLean, McShane, Mutch, Telfer & Tidser.
  23. I agree with the lack of trust but not the moving on part. After everything that's happened for them to remain now would be unthinkable. It would also - possibly - ramp up the scenes of unrest at the last game to the point of being a security risk, particularly at away games in this league where stewarding will be low. Do you have any reliable information that the majority of the major players want to stay? Or is speculation based on fear? I suspect there will be some who want to hang onto their shares. But I believe that a larger number want out, and those will be sufficient to break up the cabal and see the club sold.
  24. I don't know; I haven't been up at the Uni since last weekend as I've been doing things for the Commercial Dept most of this week. At that point there were four unsigned players. All their names have been banded about on social media.
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