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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. I'm not sure if the budget would support hotel accommodation or putting people up in digs this year. It's certainly noticeable that everyone signed so far is fairly local.
  2. A player is / was under consideration who meets the criteria you've specified. If a certain individual knows about it, which I believe he does, it's hardly surprising that he's told the entire world. There's a shepherd on a mountain top in Outer Mongolia who knows what FFC are up to the minute decisions are made.
  3. Been a busy few days actually. Brechin Tuesday, a Council partnership yesterday and new captain, a Strathcarron promotion and visiting a sponsors premises today. No signings though. They're deliberately being held back to spite RC55 FFC after his windup post this morning. You should see some news after training tomorrow. We need players, because you can't play trialists in the cup and we only have 12 atm. (plus 2 goalies and a LT injury)
  4. It's not intended to reduce their income though, even though some do financially benefit from their association and influence at the club. And no I can't clarify that, for obvious reasons. The boycott is intended to hurt the club. If the custodians care about FFC, rather than only themselves - as they claim - then they'd consider if their presence was damaging it and whether it would be better for them to walk away. I believe some are willing to do that. Others think they know best and are enjoying their positions too much to contemplate slipping quietly off into the night. Oh, and can we please desist with the phrase "unpaid volunteers" when talking about the board? Someone who has the power to change the salaries, working hours & issue redundancy notices to FFC employees who've been there for decades should not have such an innocuous title. It's suitable for Jean, or the FFC TV guys, or the folk who sell raffle tickets, work in Hospitality or help out with kitman duties. It certainly doesn't apply to club Directors.
  5. I've no idea. I saw all three of them for the first time when they joined us on the team bus last night. Though if I did know, I probably couldn't say much anyway. From RM's interview earlier in the week I assume there'll be some movement over the next couple of days. And there'll obviously be updates in the post-match interview on Saturday.
  6. I generally believe most things I'm told. Unless they come from Morton fans. (Oops, I did it again, as Britney said. Sorry Jamie) That's one of the downsides of being a nice guy: automatically trusting people. If you believe otherwise, perhaps you'ld like to share your reasoning with us? Specific reasoning I mean, not just a list of all the inaccurate statements that have been issued over the years. I know a close friend of yours served on the board at the time. I'd be interested to hear your / his insight, given that more than six years have passed since then.
  7. What I remember of that was an interview with, I think, Martin Ritchie after he was appointed. MR said that the board unanimously agreed that he was the best candidate of all the interviewees. It later transpired that the fan board rep member was against him, but still allowed his name to be used as an endorsement of the new manager rather than speaking out against a false board statement. Also interviewed, according to the Herald at the time, were Steve Staunton, John McGlynn, Russel Latapy, Colin Cameron & Stuart Balmer. I'm sad enough to keep a note of such things.
  8. I typed out about half a dozen possible responses to this and then decided that I can't use any of them. I can't speak for the management team, or infer what they might think of recent changes, or people, or do anything which might even hint at betraying a confidence. Instead I'll just give you a smile. Have a nice day knee jerk. I've always considered you one of the more sensible posters on this forum. Keep posting mate.
  9. You would get away with that claim if I posted incessantly in the Morton thread. However, I think I've only posted once there and I certainly haven't looked at it in months. My comments are aimed at your main lunatic poster who's infested this thread incessantly since September. Ditto any comments aimed at QOS. Most of the other posters - from both clubs - are pretty sensible and make valid points. If both individuals went away, so would my reasons for slipping in the occasional dig at their clubs.
  10. And depending on what comes out at the EGM, or how the directors behave at it, they may end up unleashing a whole new wave of fan anger.
  11. That’s Kenneth Williams type of humour from the Carry On films in the 1950s. Definitely showing your age here grandpa.
  12. I asked Dickers one day at the Uni but he didn't know. I suspect we'll find out on Saturday.
  13. He will. He came out of his medical at Stirling Uni, noticed me, walked up and immediately made a joke about the size of my equipment. This was before I'd even had the chance to introduce myself. He's a very lively, talkative character and gives the impression of being exactly the type of person you want in a dressing room. I guarantee he'll be a team captain at some point in his career. He's also one of the fittest players at the club; he and Connolly were joint winners of that beep test thing this year.
  14. Maybe I should have worded it better then. Maybe I should have said "why does Michael Doyle look so ecstatic at being away from QOS"? This wasn't a scripted shot. This was ten minutes before KO in a match, albeit a friendly. He walks straight up to the camera, proudly shows off his Falkirk top and grins like a Cheshire cat. I think he likes us. Proud to be a Bairn.
  15. A better question would be "why do so many of Mortons' ex-players look so happy at Falkirk"? Glebe Park last night:-
  16. I'm not seething, but I am very surprised that what was previously policy seems to have been thrown out the window. The Herald are routinely given information and asked not to publish it. For example, on the first day of training Michael Gillen was given all the names of the trialists when he asked but was requested not to name them. The Herald didn't. They knew about Tidser months in advance, as did half the world, but only reported the story after he played against us at Cappielow which was the date agreed with the club. TBH, I'm just delighted at the performance tonight. It looks like we migh have reasons for optimism this season despite the issues behind the scenes.
  17. Everyone's entitled to their opinion; I've given mine and if you wish to differ that's entirely up to you. Fortunately we're sensible Falkirk fans so we don't indulge in some of the name-calling and childishness that categorises fans of a certain club from Inverclyde. We can disagree and still be civil to each other. The only observation I'd make is that both your comment and his recent ones are being made by very new posters.
  18. Fair enough, thank you. Callum Erskine would be recognisable if you were around the club, because he used to be at the Academy and came along as a backup keeper to a number of the U19 games. As far as I can see McKay has never played in Scotland. The French lad you identified on Sunday has never played in the UK. You must have an encyclopedic knowledge of footballers if you simply recognised them, rather than the being informed by someone who should be keeping schtum. I believe you though. Welcome to the forum.
  19. I've no idea; BPMs the man for all the off-the-field stuff.
  20. You've only posted twice, and on both occasions it was to give out names of trialists who hadn't been mentioned elsewhere. You do know there's a reason why managers often keep the names out of the media. While it's probably not applicable for those two, are you aware that we've lost players in the past because of word getting out that we were looking at them? Being genuinely ITK is one thing, as you obviously are. Being sensible enough to keep it to yourself is another. Which is an outlook that that at least one prominent individual associated with the club refuses to heed. Another reason why change behind the scenes is badly needed.
  21. He's not a gamble until you give him a deal for the season - which he doesn't have yet. I obviously don't know the specific details of his injury, but I do know and have a lot of faith in our physio. He's previously brought players back to fitness who privately admitted they thought their careers might be over. I doubt that as a club we'd be putting so much effort into getting DJ fit unless the medical professionals thought he could stay that way.
  22. The grounds don't provide anything, other than occasionally electric connections or elevated positions. If you think of Alloa away games the filming was done from the back row of the gazebo. I think everything goes out via dongles so it just depends on what the signal quality is like. If somewhere as utterly backward as Greenock has mobile reception then I imagine Stranraer and Peterhead will have too.
  23. I spoke to one of the players who was with him at Morton last year. He said that the difference in DJ is night and day compared to how he looked with you guys. The signs appear to be promising.
  24. Our squad size will be around 18, but with Laverty out for a while yet 19 would give us cover. So 15 confirmed and 4 to go.
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