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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. He can't prove himself until he gets control, and has been in charge long enough for us to judge him on his actions rather than his words. As I subsequently explained in response to another poster. I'm not sure what's wrong with that.
  2. No to both questions. I'm not advocating for him; I simply answered the query as to what he would have to do to prove himself.
  3. Nothing. All he can do just now is talk. Words are meaningless unless you trust a person enough to be certain that they'll turn words into action. And as none of us know MC then he starts out with no trust. And least from the cynical like myself. He'll have plenty of opportunity to earn that trust after he gets control.
  4. My understanding is that the majority of the MSG are very wealthy men and that the money they'll get for their shares will be loose change to them. I also understand there is one exception who's only in it for what he can get out of it, but that he's very much in the minority.
  5. Time. Time in which he delivers his "something for everyone promises" like buying the main stand from the council, restarting the academy, building a fourth stand and improving what we see at 1500 on a Saturday. Time in which we see him putting in to the club rather than taking out. Little things such as openness and honesty will help too. As will appointing board members whose background and integrity can't be questioned. If he does that he'll be accepted. UNTIL he does that there will always be doubts.
  6. Apart from the twitter fluffers who want to be friends with a celebrity I don't think many folk are comfortable with this. Unfortunately it doesn't matter. He wouldn't have been allowed to stand in the tunnel area kissing Jean in the lead up to kickoff yesterday if this was likely to fail. And his latest tweets seem to confirm that it's now a certainty to happen. There's nothing the ordinary fans can do now but wait, watch and pray. Pray hard. The demos at the end of last season were the final nail in the coffin that convinced the MSG to sell. If this guy turns out dodgy then demos and boycotts will be futile. He'll just return to the states and do whatever he wants without any fear of repercussions. I hope that all of us doubters will be proven wrong and that five years from now we'll all be typing retractions, apologies and thanking him for deliverance.
  7. I think it tells us that the takeover is going ahead. That's kind of significant IMO. They wouldn't be using phrases like "all parties are committed to concluding this process at the earliest opportunity" if there were still doubts about his cash, background or motives. Not unless they want to look like the biggest bunch of idiots since Neville Chamberlain returned from Munich proclaiming peace in our time. It appears this is happening. He's convinced the MSG. It's almost a done deal. The question is what do they know that all us Doubting Thomases don't?
  8. That's possible but I have my doubts. For all the bad decisions they've made, most if not all of the MSG are genuine Falkirk fans. It would take some amount of spite for them to deliberately sabotage the club they've supported and given thousands of hours to for their entire lives. One person maybe, but half a dozen of them?
  9. I think a lot of us are going to be cautious about this one for years to come. It's ironic that after Deans & Fulston the club constitution was changed to prevent anyone having absolute power, and now twenty-odd years later we may be reversing that decision. Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it...
  10. He watched the game from the Directors box and had three of them flanking him so I assume he was in the Boardroom before and after. If he doesn't get control our board and owners are going to look incredibly incompetent for the amount of exposure they've given him.
  11. I was there. There wasn't anything earth-shattering revealed, as most of the questions from the floor were the usual stuff - best goal scored, favourite ground, hardest opponent etc - but Buchy told a couple of interesting stories. Generally, when you join a new club you have to go though an initiation ceremony which often involves singing for your teammates. When Buchanan joined Dunfermline he sang Amarillo. He also explained that when he was made captain he wanted to try and do something to show the fans that the players appreciated their support. He asked if he could hand his captains armband to a young child at the end of each game and I think he's done that at every one so far. Mind you, given that I've heard folk shouting at him to Feck Off when he ran to the crowd at Peterhead, Clyde and Airdrie it hasn't really gone down too well.
  12. I think the football budget has been a mess from day one. From the time it took to get one in place, to initially having the funds for only a squad of 17, to then being given additional money on a piecemeal basis months afterwards. This latest cash was only made available after the transfer window closed. It can't be easy to plan a squad of players when the goalposts keep changing every five minutes.
  13. Interesting that Campbell continues to hype up the whole process about how well it's going. Almost as if he expects to be kicked out, so that he can turn round afterwards and claim to have been stabbed in the back as he never saw it coming. Headlines of "they were lying to me right since the very start", or something similar. Whereas the only comment from Falkirk is Lex saying "we're just about there". Where exactly is "there" Lex? Is it the point where FFC conclude the sale? Or is it simply making a final decision and then telling the world? Hmmm.
  14. Not so sure. If a potential new owner has to be asked to consider buying the club, I'm not certain he/she would be the kind of person you'ld want in charge. It hardly suggests much in the way of commitment.
  15. We're already in partnership with Ineos regarding the U12s Go Free initiative. They're one of a number of very wealthy companies who we're slowly trying to build commercial relationships with. Might be a wee bit of a jump in asking them to take over the whole club atm.
  16. I'm sure you must have more interesting pics that that from the Rizespor game. Fighting, streakers, pitch invasions?
  17. In theory you could ringfence a percentage of the revenue from pitch hire so that each year you gradually build up a nest egg to pay for a replacement. In reality, I suspect that nest egg was spent as a result of managerial changes and squad rebuilds over the last few years. I doubt they would have kept money back when we were staring into the abyss of League One.
  18. I don't know what the appropriate measuring scale would be, but I doubt that any of them would class our pitch use as light use. We have 3 groundstaff who're on rota to be there from around eight in the morning to I think ten at night. On 363 out of 365 days in the year. In theory they're off Christmas and New Years Days, but it's not unusual for the first team to train on those day too. I believe the Foundation in particular make heavy use of it. They would almost have to, with over 1,000 players and god knows how many teams. And yet they're still building a new pitch on the East side of the ground when they already have Woodlands. That would suggest the main pitch isn't available as often as they'd like.
  19. Wheest you. I've been hearing that patter for more than a decade and yet I'm the one who needs to get new material?
  20. The tagline was meant to be "Benny T's Pizza Put A Smile On Your Face". It was intended as a nod to, and perhaps a pisstake of, the infamous Partick Thistle image. The message seems to have been lost by adding it to his inclusion in the SPFL team of the day.
  21. Six years old, as it was laid in the summer of 2013. The first game on it was a 3-1 victory over Morton 17/8/13 after our first thirteen friendliness / Stirlingshire Cup / Challenge Cup matches were played away from home.
  22. Wow. Having just watched the interview, I reckon you'ld have to wipe out four of the six minutes in order to save your manager looking as ignorant as he did. From his comment about a defender on just over the two minute mark, to asking if the interviewer could count, to how he reacted about big deals and getting excited, to continually looking away from the camera , to dissing the inquiry about injuries by saying "not gonna change", his whole demeanour was one of utter contempt for the interviewer. That needs a lot more than a "wee tweak". Our own TV volunteers had a similar problem with Paul Hartley. It not only shone through in interviews, but was highlighted when the volunteers made some extremely gleeful comments on social media after it was announced that he'd been sacked. If the volunteers don't have their work edited by a club official before publishing then they were right to put it out in full. If someone talked to me as if I were a piece of shit I'd want the world to know about it too.
  23. I started that spreadhsheet in the season we moved to Westfield so t'was a wee bit before then.
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