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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. The figure you've quoted for Falkirk was the exact number on 31st May last year, as stated in this years AGM accounts. So your figures are ten months out of date. (for us at least). The most uptodate figure we were given was at the AGM in November, which said that at that point we had just under 300K in the bank. It's possible we may be the best-placed in the league to ride out this storm.
  2. I'd like to see the season completed, partly because of the significance of Liverpool / Celtic title wins, party because it would seriously piss off the Rangers fans whom I despise, and obviously because I don't want another season of trips to Stranraer. I take your point. However, if a club goes to the wall during a season do all points gained against them by other clubs not automatically get forfeited? I think that may have happened with Gretna though I can't be bothered checking. What a boost to our season if poor wee Clyde went bust before we restarted in May / June.
  3. I asked the question earlier on today when I was at the club. There's an SFA / SPL body of some sort who're sending out daily briefings to all the clubs based on information they get from the World Health Organisation, amongst others. I was the read the update that was issued this morning and there was no hint of any plans of the sort you're referring to. Interestingly, there's a quote on the BBC news website form Englands' Deputy Chief Medical Officer: Dr Harries said cancelling big outdoor events like football matches would not necessarily be a decision supported by science. "The virus will not survive very long outside," she said. "Many outdoor events, particularly, are relatively safe."
  4. I agree with you that he's better than all of them. If he were still here I'm sure he'd be playing more than any of those four, though in the case of Leitch and McShane that wouldn't be hard. I suppose it's even possible that if he'd said he wanted to stay and fight for his place we might not have signed De Vita. Where I disagree with you (and others, evidently) is whether his performances were good enough to deserve more games than he got. I wasn't a fan and wouldn't have put him in ahead of Gomis, Miller, Connolly or Longridge. You and others probably would have. Fair enough. All about opinions and there's no right or wrong answer. But as soon as a player says he wants to leave I'd jettison them as soon as possible. If they're not committed to the club then get them out of it.
  5. We tend to forget about them because of the subsequent result at Rugby Park, but the Bob McHugh winner against Hibs or even the first leg of the Killie game, where we scored in the 91st minute. Or maybe any of the victories over the club that died. If you mean a winner-takes-all league game then it would have to be Higdon's winner at Inverness.
  6. There was a supplemental pack issued to shareholders following the AGM. It said that for the current financial year (as of November) income was 300K up and costs were 66K less than budget. We were shown as being on target to break even for the season, though I have a feeling we'll make a profit unless we chose to spend some of that before May. It also stated that the upcoming summer concerts are expected to deliver at least 300K profit. Presumably those will be in next seasons budget. Not sure Gary Deans has a lot to do with that. When compared with last season, I think it's down to the much smaller turnover in playing and coaching staff. Last year we chose to spend the nest egg. This year we don't have one so we're being more cautious.
  7. If we gain promotion we'll have a reserve team again. I know of at least one young player we're monitoring as a potential signing, initially for the reserves but who could be developed into a first teamer. I'm sure there are more. We actually did that last year with the likes of Scott Reekie, Souleymane Diakite and Ruaridh Langan. Unfortunately we had to ditch them all following relegation. The only one we kept was retained because he had a long term injury and we were looking after him. (Aidan Laverty) As for young loanees not engaging the fans, I don't recall Zak Rudden having any problems.
  8. Lee Miller had one of his arms up obstructing him so it might well have been given as a foul. On the other hand, Benedictus had both hands on McManus when he scored so swings and roundabouts.
  9. He was too busy putting his fingers in them to shush your fans after he'd scored. Deccy.
  10. Yes and no., in that order. I was hoping someone would ask the questions which have been raised on here a few times, ie: Why did we end the transfer window with a much smaller squad than we started it? Has the budget been cut? What was the problem with Tidser and why did we let him go? Why do you keep playing shite players like (insert names beginning with Dur, Sam or Tel). It was a pleasant evening and M&M spoke well, as they always do. But the folk who turned up didn't grill the management or ask them any difficult questions.
  11. It was stated at the AGM that we're not currently losing money and figures were given which showed that for this financial year we are both ahead of budget and in profit. If that's untrue then we'll find out at the end of the year. They might be able to omit details from the accounts but the annual bottom line cannot be hidden from shareholders. Last years loss was due to a deliberate decision to splash the cash in an attempt to avoid relegation. From figures given at the AGM, about a quarter of that alone was down to the additional costs from the McKinnon recruitment debacle.
  12. It was heavily reported in the local paper at the time. Part of one of the stands was to house a "Technical Training Centre Of Excellence" which would be built in conjunction with the college and would provide continuous daily revenue for the club. I think the justification given was that no single building was allowed to have more than a set number of people inside it, though it was a long time ago so I may have that wrong. This was long before any construction work took place. I'm sure a bit of research would provide the proof you're looking for.
  13. This was the earlier bounce, in which the ball is further forward. Unfortunately without the player being in contact with it we don't have a frame of reference.
  14. The FTV lads were humming and hawing about it. I thought it looked in first time and in the replay. Hopefully one of the bairns from Bainsford or the 60s can shed some light on it. Players left foot is on the line. Players right foot is well forward of it when connecting with the ball. I don't think his body is angled enough for the ball to be anywhere other than behind the line.
  15. It's still the stadium company for hospitality. The volume of customers up there has increased over the last few years though so it may have given us leverage to negotiate prices down.
  16. Yep. When we were a part-time club the players used to train there a couple of nights a week. I remember cycling up to get autographs. In the old days before selfies were a thing.
  17. That's a name I haven't heard in decades. JK Miller went bust in the seventies. My parents worked and met at their Summerford site in the fifties. I think the Parkhouse site which you're referring to was a different company by the time they took over the Bleachfield.
  18. Agreed. The issue is finding someone good enough to spend it on. The last two free agents who joined us outwith a window (Prince Buaben & Mustapha Dumbuya) weren't exactly roaring successes.
  19. You're referring to agreement needing to be reached after a player and club decide to part ways. In some cases no agreement may be needed because the severance payment value is stipulated in the contract on the day the player joins. You may find that when a player considers an offer they're more interested in "up front" things such as salary, contract length, signing on fee, bonuses. accommodation allowance, etc, etc. The "what if things go wrong" clauses may not figure prominently in their decision on whether to join Falkirk or some other club.
  20. And many have left with less than you would expect, or in some cases nothing. It's all about the details of the contract. For example the club says to a player we'll give you a contract for 12 months, which can be extended to 24 months if we win promotion / don't get relegated and / or you start half the games etc, etc. They then include a clause which says that if you leave before a second year gets triggered you're entitled to 10% of what you would have been paid for that second year. I obviously don't know the contract details of FFC players. However, I've heard a lot of conversations about salaries and contracts over the years, usually from players gossiping about what others are getting. I believe the player you're referring to was entitled to a specific amount which may well have been less than you think.
  21. It looks like we won't have another summer of massive turnover in the playing squad. If we go up and the second year clauses that BPM mentioned are triggered by promotion, we'll have thirteen players under contract. (Sammon, Connolly, Telfer, Doyle, Durnan, Dixon, Gomis, Leitch, Buchanan, Laverty, Miller, Mutch & Todd) If you exempt the current four players on loan to us, the only ones out of contract are Longridge, Johnstone, Hall and McShane. Though if we do go up, I suppose it's possible we might be recruiting for a reserve team again.
  22. I don't have any solid evidence for this assumption, but I'm not convinced the squad size was a board decision rather than choice by M&M. I doubt we're so hard up that we needed to save money by getting Brechin to pay a percentage of Aidan Laverty's wages, or Forfar to do the same with Robbie Leitch. Or even Stranraer and Denny Johnstone. We could have had a much larger squad - for probably very little extra cash - simply by not putting players out on loan. There's a Meet The Manager event next week, albeit it's being held at a sponsors premises so the numbers will be limited. I'd imagine "why do we have such a small squad?" will be one of the first questions asked of M&M.
  23. Someone whose job it is to know these things was kind enough to clarify it for me earlier. "Cross-border loans close for everyone on 31st Jan incl L1 and L2 clubs. L1 and 2 can sign domestic loans in the months of September and February, however the same limit rules apply in that you are only allowed four domestic loans at any one time". Falkirk already have four domestic loans (McManus, MacMillan, De Vita, Ferrie) and so will not be signing anyone else unless they're a free agent.
  24. I think so. Haven't looked at the rules for while but those used to be classed as internationals and not subject to the same restrictions as domestic ones.
  25. Miller will be here next season if we want him, and given his form since M&M arrived I'm sure we will. https://www.falkirkfc.co.uk/2020/01/03/gary-miller-robbie-leitch-sign-contract-extensions/ Morgaro Gomis will be 35 when next season begins. For that reason I can't see there being too much of a stampede for his signature so I imagine if we want him he'll be here too. Not so sure about McManus. Goalscorers are always in demand so even if we go up he may have far better options than FFC. You have to assume that either no-one in the Championship wants Longridge or that we're currently paying him more than club who would are prepared to. That one could go either way.
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