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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. I've no idea. It didn't strike me as unusual until you mentioned it, but I've had a look back through my records and Mitch hasn't played for the reserves at all in 2019.
  2. Anything they own, we can take. Just because we're Falkirk. He played three or four reserve games as a trialist and I think was initially just filling a jersey . However, he showed up well so now has a contract to the end of the season along with Souley and Reekie. He looks a decent wee player, even if he's not a candidate for the first team at the moment.
  3. Just a couple of guys of guys filling spaces in the team. There's been a few of them this season.
  4. He'd either be totally ineffective or MOTM. His decision-making sometimes goes awry and he occasionally runs into blind alleys. However, when he gets the ball down and runs at people he can go past two or three of them as if they weren't there. He's very raw and probably not consistent enough to be a first pick but there's definitely a player in there.
  5. Does anyone know where they're training? It's certainly not the Bleachfield, which I where is used to cycle down on a Tuesday or Thursday night to get autographs.
  6. Saw them all. Being old does have it's advantages.
  7. That's where you're wrong BPM. I don't "know" anything. I never asked any questions about the Academy. I have a couple of friends who're closely involved with the club and who did ask before I got the chance to. They were satisfied with the answers given. That was enough for me as I trust their judgement. I know there are plenty - maybe the majority - who would disagree. Fair enough. It's such an emotive subject that I tend to stay away from debating it. Which is why I was surprised that Kenny used it a couple of times at the start of his presentation. I think it's the first time I've ever heard someone outwith the Board give an analysis of the decision without condemning it.
  8. Did you go to the presentation night held in the South Stand regarding the fan ownership scheme? Kenny Jamieson said that as a result of the decision to cease funding the Academy we were now in a financially stable position. That we began each season knowing that our projected income from normal sources - season tickets, commercial activity etc - was sufficient to cover our operating costs. That we now didn't start each season with a deficit which had to be filled by either transfers or cup runs. He stressed the point several times, and one of the phrases he used was "stable but stagnant". In that while we no longer had black holes, we didn't have any prospect of future windfalls either. After saying that it gave him a platform to launch into one of the reasons why a fresh cash injection via fan ownership would be beneficial.
  9. Encroachment due to one of the Falkirk players entering the D before the penalty was taken is the likely reason to me Aye, that's the reason the referee gave.
  10. If anyone's interested in the four goals the reserves took off Motherwell this afternoon, here is the video from MFC. https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2019/03/04/reserves-lose-to-falkirk/ Great runs from Dunne and Lavery for the second and fourth goals.
  11. Maybe not. Shayne has similarly been called up for Northern Ireland. If Demi gets a call for Lithuania the game might not go ahead on that date.
  12. You did actually. Your post went up on the actual day Tids came to the stadium to sign the PCA, so it was fairly obvious that wasn't a lucky guess. Albeit as the weeks went on I think everyone knew, or at least everyone in Falkirk did.
  13. I'm trying to remember the lyrics of an old Proclaimers song. Lochaber no more, Sutherland no more, Lewis no more, What was the last line? Could it have been
  14. Oh go on, this blood-letting is more entertaining than most of what we see on a Saturday. Pretty please?
  15. That sounds reasonable. Just as it sounds reasonable - and feasible - that in the nonfootball world thousands of employees walk out every day without giving any notice. Does Employment Law then allow the former employer to demand £100,000 compensation from his next employer? Even without any contract clauses to support it? Hmmn. You used the words "absolutely shameful" in a reply earlier. I'm inclined to agree with you, though I suspect we differ on who those words should be applied to.
  16. I imagine any genuine manager would walk if he weren't given "autonomy on the composition of the playing staff". The only folk who'd stick around would be those who were so low on the food chain that they'd be unemployable elsewhere. Graham Rix at Hearts, for example. One of your recent managers did just that. Your reaction was to post dozens of times with personal abuse, calling him a "judas, rat, snake" etc. I think you used similar terms to describe his new employer, even though it was obvious to most folk that there had to be more to his departure than came out at the time. Hence why I thought your post above was quite interesting. Have you finally seen the light?
  17. Yep. McKee and Kidd would be the last two players moved on, according to him.
  18. The ironic thing is that there was no rivalry at all until the start of this season. For some reason the Morton fans piled in en masse to mock us when Hartley got sacked and then when we unexpectedly took your manager it was a case of "light blue touch paper and retire". Give it a few years and it'll all blow over. Maybe.
  19. You mean Aaron Jarvis? Our latest signing? Actually, cancel that. He's not our latest signing. He's simply the last one we made before the transfer window closed. We made another one after that. On a PCA. Who we haven't announced yet. Because we don't want to upset anyone. We're like that you know: a bunch of jolly decent chaps who always play nice. That's why so many people want to come and work for us.
  20. No. We owned Brockville, but a part of the land behind the main stand was owned by the council. Rather than buy the land off them so we could sell it to Morrisons as part of the supermarket deal, we went into partnership with the council to build the new stadium. I'm a long way short of being an expert on the nuts and bolts of the deal so others may correct me on the next bit. Anyway, the council land was something like 1/7 of the total area sold at Brockville. And probably a seventh of the value. Yet when the new stadium was built the council ended up with a disproportionate say in the running of it. To the point that we're now tenants in our own stadium, paying sky-high rents, and own only the pitch and seats that face it. (of the main stand anyway. The South stand is ours, or rather it's owned by one of our fans who charges us a lease. BPM will undoubtedly be along shortly to fill in the blanks and have a rant) In fairness, there will have been some benefits to the original partnership. I think we got a cheap loan to build the North stand and things like the car parks and infrastructure were all paid for from the public purse. The general feeling though is that the drawbacks of the deal far outweigh the benefits.
  21. Fair enough re the main stand. It could obviously have been built smaller, like Livingston or St Mirren, but it was still part of the overall plan to meet the stadium criteria. I remember a press interview when Campbell Christie assured the journos that once completed the stadium would have more capacity than what the SPL demanded. The worse thing we ever did was get in bed with the Council. Nobody seemed to consider the ramifications of what would happen if a new administration was hostile towards us. You can't help wondering how differently things would have worked out had we just told them to F Off when planning TFS.
  22. Two actually. The North stand was open by the end of our first season at TFS, which put us 2/3 of the way towards the 10,000 seats required.
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