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Everything posted by Del79

  1. Looks like the artist was blinded in battle. Or is 10 years old.
  2. The selfie in the background. Whole Lotta Rosie.
  3. I think it was the Scotland- England game, where he got hit that someone mentioned it. He is definitely a confused individual.
  4. Think I read somewhere that he is mentally ill. Trying extra hard to be "accepted".
  5. India's new population control policy requires women to wear Susan Boyle masks when the men want sex
  6. Looks like we can use this again. Looking forward to seeing your post lockdown pictures.
  7. This aged well https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/18362258.coronavirus-orange-order-plan-glasgow-parade-thank-government/ 15 months later and still no thanks. Or was it just that they were banned last summer, so wanted an excuse to play their crap on another date?
  8. Quite fitting, considering flute music is garbage.
  9. Woken up by a parade today. At least I got a full nights sleep during lockdown.
  10. Crazy weather this week https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/Freak-storm-buries-town-in-eastern-France-under-60cm-of-hail
  11. BBC: "He didn't want a fuss when he died." Also BBC: All programmes cancelled!
  12. They should have just said they shut the pubs as alcohol weakens the immune system.
  13. The funny thing is that there were Africans here probably before their ancestors arrived and settled. https://www.history.co.uk/article/the-history-of-black-britain-roman-africans#:~:text=Although a gradual process%2C the,the Roman Empire was multicultural.
  14. Greggs being open will probably reduce the number of people there by 60%.
  15. This thing just looks and moves like an insect to me. Still. lockdown does some strange things to your mind. If it was a UFO, the pilot must be drunk. https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/whats-on/glasgow-mysterious-object-sighting-flying-18436281?fbclid=IwAR3fSoGGaYoiKFoGwWXkoeA3D-xtqiZ0YTLE6QJrPXv-KcVu-VVAjwrnRHs
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