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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. I reckon it will be a lot tighter this year and agree hibs will probably be 4th after losing so much talent. Rangers have a fortune to spend and the money the girls are on is ridiculous, if it works they could be a force but if not it could be a disaster, signing a lot of players no one has heard of over here could be a risk. Celtic look to be doing solid business and have consistently improved over the past few years so I will tip them for 2and ahead of Rangers. City should still have enough class and experience to pop both to the title though.
  2. I'd be decidedly disappointed if we signed Kenny Miller. Past it and having spoken to a few Thistle fans they didnt think much of him. Saying that, it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility that he sees a 6month playing deal as a way of getting his foot in the door for when JD leaves us in the summer?
  3. Or bullshit info, either is good. Gives us something to talk about! [emoji85]
  4. 8 for me for Monday. Incidentally for the play off I missed and thought u asked total people killed not just Iranians lol
  5. The ref would have the teamsheets as they would be given to him before the match. If he is unaware of the rule he isn't going to allow teams to dictate what is written on the teamlines once in his possession! He would just let the safa be aware of what was said and let them deal with it.
  6. If the ref didnt know that rule about signing the team sheets then how was it supposed to happen? Until it was put on here I hadn't heard that before and I doubt many people would have. Harestanes do indeed look like they have a case of sour grapes, but being the devils advocate here, what if it was pointed out to the ref, and the ref dismissed/ told them to get on with it, in that case Harestanes are probably within their right to appeal and maybe had intended to all along
  7. It seems to me like Duffy Is operating as if he doesn't give a f#@k. His contract is up at the end of the season yeah? Well it doesnt look like hes that fussed about staying on and I'd be amazed if he did. Surely he can see the squad is stretched to the limit, going into a scottish cup game against Aberdeen with potentially 14 players, 2 of which are GKs is mental. Ok it's a bit of a free hit but it could also see us pumped pretty badly. As pointed out above, we are 4 bodies down from the start of the season, so what's he doing with those wages?
  8. Strange one this. Harestanes obviously hurting after a defeat however there are a few things that nobody knows. How do we know that Harestanes did not raise the issue before the match with the match official? If they did and it was ignored then their grounds for appeal are probably justified. At the end of the day rules are rules, they are put in place for a reason, if they are broken then the appropriate sanctions will be imposed by the powers that be. Harestanes have been around for years, very experienced committee who I'm sure are all very aware of the different rules of all competitions. If Lauriston or the match official were not aware of such rules then I'm sure it will be lessons learned all round. May stink a bit but unfortunately that's life.
  9. I played in a game a few years ago against a side who were lot better than us. We played them on a brand new park at a school, albeit a bit small there was no issues. We got a very credible draw, they then complained that the park was too small, the league made us find out the official dimensions, we done so and we were informed by the local council that it was indeed 5 yards too short of official minimum length, game was replayed and we lost!
  10. Do u need us all down to piss on it to add to the water? I can round up some mates and drink some extra beer to help?
  11. I saw castlemilk earlier this season and they were excellent. Totally dominated the game from start to finish against very decent opposition. No one will go to Barlia and get an easy game that's for sure. I have not seen Shortlees so cant really comment, but they are clearly a top team so will cause problems, if I was free I'd definitely be taking this one in, will be a cracker I reckon.
  12. Anyone else think the poll on twitter about the game of the decade is a bit of a waste of time? Surely TNS away will win at a canter? Lol
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