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North Terrace Gazza

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Everything posted by North Terrace Gazza

  1. QP just look pretty bang average. Scary that they nearly won the league
  2. This is all working out nicely. A few more injuries and a couple reds on Friday please
  3. I see McInroy isn’t even in the bench for Killie today. He really has been wasted there this season
  4. I am a season ticket holder so attend all home games and I probably go to about 8 or 9 away games a season. Would I travel (even in a free bus) to Inverness on a Friday night with a chance of a play off slot? Not a chance in hell
  5. His performances for us early in his spell were truly horrific. I remember one fan screaming at him that he was the worst player to have played for Ayr and at the time I couldn’t argue.
  6. He was terrible and why Bullen didn’t hook him is bizarre. I really hope he never plays for us again, he’s just not good enough. Can’t tackle, can’t shoot and can’t take a set piece.
  7. I’m not a fan of the Cove style of football but that away strip is class
  8. I thought the ref had a good game got most of the big calls right
  9. Tbh both old firm teams would have a field day against us. Let’s hope we beat Falkirk and miraculously get ICT in the semi
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