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North Terrace Gazza

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Everything posted by North Terrace Gazza

  1. McDade’s booking was more like a penalty than the one given
  2. That’s McDade for you can do very little and then bang goal
  3. Nope I disagree. Playing with 10 men is tiring and we didn’t create anything like the same chances with 10 compared to 11. If we had kept 11 on the field we would’ve won comfortably. That said our defensive collapse was monumental.
  4. Without the sending off we win that game. By far the better team. However, the defending for the last 10 minutes was beyond belief!
  5. Any chance that the game might not go ahead with the severe gales?
  6. True. I probably don’t expect Morton to be fighting for top 4 but in this shortened season you never know. I suspect this season might throw up a few surprises though.
  7. Both set of fans will fancy a win here. Be interesting to see Morton to try and work out whether they’ll be mid table mediocre or challenge for top 4.
  8. We tend not to take players on loan from Killie because they aren’t very good tbh
  9. So let me get this right when fans had to sacrifice to get to games early the news that nobody watches had to go ahead but now that fans are banned they’ve ditched the news
  10. Why is this game on at 7.45 when last year I had to leave work early to get to away games for 7.05?
  11. Does George still attend games? I used to go to the enclosure through the 1980’s, he was quite a character
  12. I’m not sure that I agree that top 4 this season is meh. I think a top 4 spot this season would be a tremendous effort.
  13. He had a great game and has looked good since signing. However, he’s young and it’s early days let’s not get carried away.
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