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North Terrace Gazza

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Everything posted by North Terrace Gazza

  1. Don’t think the virus is seasonal, have a look at South America. That said looking at Europe it does seem like we’re through the worst.
  2. So reconstruction not going away https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/amp/football/52999362
  3. I see Gary Harkins is retiring so no final year redemption for him down Somerset road way [emoji23]
  4. Tbf New Zealand are thousands of miles from anywhere and we’re right besides mainland Europe which had the biggest explosion of the virus outside of China.
  5. Why else go to a war zone on the other side of the world if it’s not for more money?
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8400783/Scottish-Championship-clubs-set-play-nine-games-new-season-begin-October.html
  7. I can only imagine Thistle have offered both a deal to find another club, no other reason to walk away as no one is signing players at the moment
  8. I remember thinking David Sinclair was a major signing after that game. How wrong was I?
  9. Sorry but McCall is a million times better than Reid. His track record is good, Reid’s is pretty poor. Players want to play for him, whilst under Reid how many fell out with him? You cannot seriously consider them to have performed to a similar level.
  10. The latest suggestion from Rangers. What a pile of crap https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52941423
  11. So Budge arranges £2 million to push through her reconstruction plans. According to her relegation would cost Hearts far more than that. It’s a bung pure and simple and no doubt most clubs will take it and run.
  12. So the money did have strings attached then? We will be having a 14 team top division by hook or by crook.
  13. I don’t understand why some of the free to air broadcasters haven’t entered the scene. Take the BBC, they are struggling to make programmes at the moment due to COVID, why not offer a deal on top of the sky deal for additional live games. Even if these games have to be lower league games. Surely that’s a win-win for both sides?
  14. I listened to the interview and if there is millions of pounds earmarked for Scottish football with no strings then great. However, I too am extremely dubious about all this and it is surely a smokescreen designed to curry favour with the lower leagues in a last desperate appeal to get her reconstruction passed.
  15. In a top league of 16 with tv money going mainly to this league, there will be a queue of teams ahead of Thistle for a place.
  16. There is absolutely no way Thistle and Falkirk are going to be hoisted into the top division just because they have players signed up.
  17. I would be surprised if we didn’t try and get Harvie to sign a new contract. Obviously dependent on funds being available of course
  18. I see Hearts are going to try and get reconstruction agreed again this week, with a top league of 14 or16. If it was 16 would you back it?
  19. How exactly can a club sign a contract with a player and then cut the wages by 50% because they’re skint?
  20. Tannadice before it was refurbished was a great stadium, now it’s horrible but sorry Alloa yours is the worst. Best, I like Palmerston for the atmosphere but for the mix of new and old Firhill is my favourite. Obviously Somerset would’ve won but I’m not going to vote for my own stadium.
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