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Everything posted by Banterous

  1. You really are a childish pathetic man aren't you? Look at the way you talk to people man fgs
  2. Sorry but I would need evidence that the assaults were on Yes campaigners. You can choose to disbelieve me but how do you know this and through who (no specifics) It sounds to me as if there where two groups of a**eholes and the police couldn't assign blame. I'm sure that's the case
  3. The encouragement towars imagining the World and business are all against us. That is bloody reactionary mate and it's really foolish. It creates paranoia and makes people react These stories? Have you links to them? I'll do a bit of digging on them afterwards No Scotland contributes with the backing of WM. Say we use the pound, Scotland will be paying its own way without the backing and they'll relinquish financial control so where's the independence. We also lose the expertise of the NHS and the SNP don't mind our health services to point score so I wouldn't say they care too much about it. As for Trident, more lies from Salmond on Newsnight last night. I'm not voting my country over to a liar. Naw for me thanks
  4. So what you're saying is that you know of incidents that haven't made the news? Ditto mate. Plenty of shopowners being threatened, physical and verbal assaults etc etc etc. Most of it is coming from Yes and that comes from further up
  5. Who do you think these will benefit considering they make the decisions? Salmond's "plan" involves a lot of people agreeing with him and benefiting Scotland. That really scares me and it should scare everyone else. He only cares about his party and their power which is secured for as long as negotiations last. Yep. Stretching these out suit the SNP
  6. The "scaremongering" or the "bias"? Ludicrous stuff mate. They report the news and that's that. Salmond is afraid that people might listen as more than half the country half. Tough luck 'eck
  7. Salmond has encouraged distrust of WM and yet he trusts them with his life over currency. Which side is sending mixed messages?
  8. Market adjustments happen every day but not dramatic falls like 2008 which was a global recession. Stocks right themselves over the long term but how long is that in this case? 5 years at least for European Union entry and the currency question has not been resolved yet. I repeat my last point about Salmond using the "risks and a long road statement" That might be for most of the World although it could be worse off and under a government with a leader who seems to be good at intimidiation and whipping up internal fervour that will get a lot worse. Salmond seems to lack diplomacy; wouldn't you agree?
  9. Alex Salmond has alienated everyone including people in the EU by telling lies to Newsnight so negotiations that stall are everyone else's fault are they? Yep and whatever way you cut it, that's down to voting for independence
  10. Incredible. So it's all WM's fault then? Ffs
  11. I agree but there's a direction from the top of "Yes" to "ignore" and accuse the World of being "against them". That sets up a very dangerous mindset. It's like some of our fans who believe that when they lose a game it's not "our fault" or the fact that the other side played well. It's because there's a conspiracy and that creates a vociferous minority. At CP for example, you can't even say that you haven't voted yet because that implies you might vote No.
  12. I totally agree that there are aspects that I want changed but what are we going to do on Friday if the stock markets get hit, the pound devalues and Salmond starts using his "we said it was going to be risky and it'll be a long road" statement as a responsibility deflector on to us. I'm all for doing what's best for the country in the short AND the long term and that's why I'm voting No
  13. I think there are going to be a growing number after this which I think will be a narrow No victory. Politicians are all self serving and we make our decisions based on what's best for us. None of them have offered anything that's good but at least we know where we are by staying put and not exposing ourselves to a risky and badly mapped out clusterfuck. I think Salmond has been a very good opportunist at exploiting a general mood but this nationalist fervour will die down soon..........hopefully Well look at that Politicians thread on the forum and the film of people screaming at Jim Murphy and that's just the media. If you voice an opinion in the street, and Yes campaigners are around it turns into a row. The evidence is there mate in spades and the fact that you won't see it is you obviating your responsibility as a advocate of people's right to disagree with you. No one should be harassed for their views if they don't threaten others
  14. Yeah but in that case that's more out of fear than a deliberate act. Also, I think both sides have failed to grasp that there are people who don't care either way.....and underestimated their numbers too
  15. I reckon that they won't bother voting at all.
  16. Oh ok so anyone who votes against your choice is doing so out of "shame", Interesting take on the right to vote but I suppose it's better than verbal and physical intimidation. However my problem is that people within the Yes campaign seem to find voting No unacceptable. Well you better get used to it!
  17. It's fear. Afraid to voice an opinion maybe? i certainly am and they will vote No because of the lack of stability caused by agreeing to a gamble full of more holes than Swiss cheese.
  18. The other aspect is that we as Scots don't like bullying and intimidation on the streets of our country against fellow countrymen. Guess where the blame lies for that yin???
  19. Have unique thoughts mate please eh? It's about looking after our economic interests and not taking blind risks. Next up you'll say "it'll be tough but we can leave a great legacy". Thanks but naw thanks
  20. So many assumptions with no evid...... Yeah sure bud
  21. No the opposite. It's something that I'm struggling with atm but I'll get there.....hopefully.
  22. I studied Keynesian economics at University but that was irrelevant to the subject under discussion and came across as a bit small minded. I know you need everything explained in detail sooooo "small minded" because BT weren't questioning the ability of Scotland to manage our economy and he referred to the past rather than the present. online conversations - explain all details....leave nothing inferred or implied.................
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