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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. If it was Tommy watching and not CD then Sow would have been the most obvious one for him to be interested in.
  2. CD was at the Dunfermline v Dundee game last night...who might he have been interested in?
  3. If CD is going to persist with the formation then it's vital that some time is spent on getting in the right new players. Kane doesn't cut it because he is a liability in front of goal. He does other things really, really well but is just not a reliable finisher. As for Clark.............his form has fallen off a cliff and there are no signs of it picking up. Another keeper is an absolute must.
  4. Might be a wee opportunity for you there. Get your CV fired in!
  5. It's bad enough having Liam Gordon's dad on here. Now we've got Zanders!
  6. Derek Ferguson actually seems to care about and enjoy Scottish football. You can also tell that he prepares for games and makes notes to refer to etc. So he's alright by me and welcome to marry my sister any day.
  7. Should look at big Macey from Hibs. 6'7, huge and dominant in the box like Nick Pope.
  8. WTF! He caused the penalty! It was hardly some injustice.
  9. He owes them big time. He's been shaky for a few years now.
  10. Adam distracted by thinking about his Tweet after the game.
  11. It's pretty clear that Paul Paton does not suffer fools gladly.
  12. Let's hear about some heart warming stories. Did Kris Boyd save your granny from being mugged? Did Hans Gilhaus lend you bus fare? Met Brian Easton at the Tesco petrol station beside McD park a few days before the Scottish Cup final. Lovely guy who definitely liked a chat. Think he was very excited about the final! Then I met Steven MacLean in St Andrews after the Scottish Cup final. Another genuine guy who was happy having a blether about Saints.
  13. As I remember it was more his perceived mobility and comfort with the ball at his feet rather than distance etc. Perhaps he thought big Lindsay was too thick to adapt! In all fairness though I don't remember Hamilton embarrassing himself at Dunfermline.
  14. I was convinced that Ferguson was offside. It was definitely a game we could have won and we took a great support through with us. In regards to Rhodes the manager(Totten) actually talked about it in the press. Saying that it was the new pass back rule that encouraged him to get Rhodes in as he was worried that Hamilton would struggle. Rhodes was quite the showman and was actually a phenomenal shot stopper. I may have rose tinted specs on because I was young and thought he was awesome! I'm sure that he also had a great record in stopping penalties.
  15. Kane needs to think very carefully about what he does next then. Very, very carefully. Tanser can gtf.
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