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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. At least if we get to another cup final while he's here we might get Amy Mc doing a song instead of TRS.
  2. Richard Foster played over 250 games for the Dandies and captained them also. He should be regarded as a legend. It's disgraceful the abuse he gets from Aberdeen "fans" tbh.
  3. TW saying we signed him as we'd have only had 6 defenders. And? We've only got 3 strikers FFS.
  4. Absolutely pointless signing. Honestly don't know what the club think sometimes.
  5. BawbagGuy from now on. Anyway.....I was in town earlier and saw Stefan Scougall buying an Irn Bru in WH Smiths.
  6. My original point was about the particular venom that WM was directing at Richie Foran tbh. Not just once but twice.
  7. If clubs base their finances on what away attendance MIGHT be then they deserve everything they get tbh.
  8. Time will tell I suppose. I can see his form disappearing and things turning sour if he signs a pca.
  9. Sick fed up listening to the sad tales of how hard it is for Wee Baz managing a part time club. Dry your eyes you overrated, sideways passing, thick ***.
  10. He's got the option already so they should be getting the easier ones out of the way.
  11. He's a fat mess now..........but he used to be stylish.
  12. That rant was tragic. In fact he went off on one twice. Bizarre.
  13. What has Richie Foran done to upset Willie Miller so much? Stupid old fud.
  14. Who did it? Her brother or her ex?
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