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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. FFS.....look. This type of thing doesn't suit my agenda at all. Please stop. How many other managers have threatened a harmless football forum with lawyers?
  2. Nope. 101 was/is a different thing entirely. The STD stuff. Although he did hate Del.
  3. He joined WAP as "John". All of the posts were about how great Lomas was and how terrible McInnes was. The state he'd left the club in etc.
  4. It's more a loose interpretation of something the chairman implied tbh. Let's not forget that Lomas is a tragic character who joined WAP incognito to say how great he was and to slag off Del.
  5. That's correct. And I'm proved wrong. So apologies to the Lomas fan fanboys about the contract situation. Lomas was a c*nt though. I was certain that Brown said at a player of the year event that Lomas didn't rate May.
  6. May did sign a contract under Lomas in June 2012. Lomas left Saints in June 2013. And May signed another contract under Wright in October 2013. Prior to Lomas leaving he wanted May punted.
  7. Yes. Lomas didn't rate him and wanted him gone. Thought this was fairly common knowledge tbh.
  8. We know all it was James Dunne that made the difference that season. I wonder how we'd have done without Stevie May? Considering he was about to be let go by Lomas.
  9. Lomas is an absolute c*nt. Speaks volumes that he's not worked again after getting punted by Millwall.
  10. It's the PnB way........at least you're not bothered though. Anyway, Shaughnessy has been an excellent signing in general. Although he's not quite reached the level of last season tbf. He's also had a couple of poor showings at Dens in particular.
  11. http://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/rugby-union/10738303/leicester-0-43-glasgow
  12. The problem is when we are playing poorly MacLean starts dropping deeper and deeper and then nae c*nt is in the box.
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