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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. If May joins Aberdeen they should just be handed the league title imo.
  2. Cathro is playing Moneyball. In 68% of his 121 appearances his pass completion rate was 79%
  3. Might help us take points from their other rivals though.
  4. Got the remastered version of Be Here Now at Christmas. Thoroughly enjoying it. I'm especially enjoying the Mustique sessions.
  5. I hate transfer windows. Correction.......I hate RandomGuy at transfer windows.
  6. Great results today. 14 man Edinburgh after the Stade Francais guy went down like he'd been clocked by Mike Tyson. Embarrassing. Scotland 2 France 0
  7. Starting to really not give a f**k.
  8. Wonder how long his ban will be?
  9. Because he's forthright and doesn't shy away from the truth. And hates Sevco
  10. The big question is? Will FCU boycott? Or be in the away end?
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