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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. I think that a lot of it was fairly common knowledge around parliament/Westminster so he probably has loads of sources.
  2. The End of the Party by Andrew Rawnsley. Very interesting read, (that's also quite scary!) about the rise and fall of New Labour.
  3. Quite a good piece in The Courier today. Sounds like Dayton isn't a priority signing as Tommy has other targets. He still wants Watson away and hopes to have 5 senior defenders backed up by some younger players with other development players sent out on loan.
  4. So has anybody really handed back a season ticket over the Scobbie stuff? Or is it just keyboard warriors on Facebook?
  5. It seems to me that Tommy thought he wasn't losing anyone other than Watson/Coulson. He'd targeted Scougall, a striker and a wide player. The chairman punting Scobbie might have screwed that.
  6. I'm going by what he said in the YouTube interview. An experienced lb. Surely if he was happy with the defence that you suggested then he wouldn't be targeting any replacement?
  7. Football isn't always cut and dry though. Brown doesn't seem to factor in injury or suspension. Tommy knows his squad and isn't saying: " Tam is away but it's fine because Liam can cover there in an emergency." He now wants to sign an experienced defender for cover.
  8. OK. But now Tommy says he wants to sign an experienced lb.
  9. I have total sympathy for TW. Of course he's made some mistakes with transfers, all managers do. However, the constant focus from the chairman on penny pinching is wearisome and just causes bigger problems for the team in the long term. How can he not see that running with one lb is an issue?
  10. Brilliant result! F*ck Australia! F*ck Goathland!
  11. Do any of them have a history of taking penalties? Although Swanson didn't prior to coming to us.
  12. Wonder who will be on the penalties for the new season.
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