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Everything posted by SANTAN


    FIFA 21

    Finished my rivals games and it says I'm in Div 03, I hope this doesn't mean I'm against the sweaty teams, still got Troy Deeney...

    FIFA 21

    I don't get it, I've went to basic division rivals, I've played one guy who had a shit team like me and scudded him and then in my next game I'm playing your typical 12 year old with parental credit card access type team, all his players are specials and I've got Troy Deeney up front, of course I got pumped.

    FIFA 21

    I'm just starting my team for this year. A lot has changed since I played 2 years ago, any quick tips on some OP cheap players? Is Rivals Fut champs?
  4. "Little Runt" Calm down big dog. We've got an alpha over here ladies and gentleman.
  5. Shite. Got a proper job so had to pack it in, i had just made affiliate too which is a shame.
  6. If you're not the brightest you could do that.
  7. Ahahaha no. I'm calling out the gleeful attitudes some people have to others getting shot dead. I don't support the crazy dead lady I just don't find it a particularly hilarious outcome.
  8. Hold up. Did anyone sincerely think I wasn't taking the piss out of such opinions? And we're trying to talk about my lack of self awareness.
  9. Which posters? Bearing in mind the discussion is gleefully laughing at dumb people being shot.
  10. He was talking about the stupid ones. Bawatching and co would surely qualify. For what it's worth I dont believe in laughing at dead people because they're stupid.
  11. What do you mean? Two minutes ago it was sectarianism and taking the piss now I'm not well. This place..
  12. Not at all. It's funny to me how people joke about people dying then when you swap someone they like with the person they dislike (that share a lot in common) then people don't like that. See Thatcher and Corbyn.
  13. What censored word did you go for there? Aren't you the poster that had pictures of 15 year old boys saved on your phone?
  14. The one place in the world where you find sensitive edgelords.
  15. Also a bunch of morons but yeah good point, well thought out. Go back to watching the wrestling...
  16. Old men with the mind of children certainly would.
  17. Didn't realise this forum had so many 12 year old edgelords on it.
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