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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Because it's apparant this wasn't some sudden recollection but rather a conscious act of deception.
  2. Yeah I'm not defending her... her and the bully victim, social failure, pig moron are both deplorables.
  3. Nah I thought it was apparant from looking at the video but on second viewing she might just be a big tubber.
  4. Pregnant lady pointing a finger is tame. Police man pushing the man into the pregnant lady in their own house is despicable.
  5. It's amazing that Alex can find time to post during such times
  6. Are you new to the internet? We'll disagree on the usage of the word scuffles. If that was the main take away from the tweet than I'm surprised this thread isn't filled with hundreds of other journalists, ones with more relevance to the issue, posting similarly poor takes with the word "scuffle". (I'm not surprised)
  7. Can't say I've seen much of that tbf. Im enjoying the saltire gammon brigade panicking and picking their sides. One said "Stop talking about it on here you're doing the Tories a favour" Some of them seem a lot more worried than the majority on here though. I don't think it's the end of the world or the start of the beginning of the end as someone previously said, I reckon this will blow over fairly straight forward. The Indy supporters who choose Salmonds side are absolute mentalists to me.
  8. Aye I don't think she particularly adds anything, nor should she, she's merely reposting someone elses content and described accurately what the video contains. Did a policeman get beaten to death in that video? Did you see anything more than a scuffle. I ask again, what particular bias is being displayed here or is this just saying she has shit tweets?
  9. Got any example of this? Surely Sturgeon gammon supporters versus Salmonds gammon supporters is the most entertaining.
  10. I hope you guys did some stretching before that reach. Feed those biases. The main source called it scuffles, the video contained scuffles, she has reported what it was. What even is the accusation of bias here? Do you guys think Laura. K has biases towards Donald Trump? It is part of some insider plot to downplay the trouble to help her mate Donald?
  11. Those who are lapping this up are the "Eh hate that wummin" types and yer da apologists. Well or course but I'm sure some others won't exactly view it as a positive story when stumbling across it in the news.
  12. SANTAN

    FIFA 21

    By this stage of the game I have 3 icons and haven't paid a penny. Div 3 is very high to come in at with a starting team and it will probably just take a while to find your level. Yeah I realise I'm late to the year to be starting but I just don't see why I have to be in Div 3, I want to start at the bottom, I've already been relegated to Div 4 though so I'm sure it won't take me too long!
  13. And we are through the looking glass. That'll be me for the night...
  14. Jesus. H. Christ. I seemed to have missed that one, thankfully.
  15. I appreciate that. I don't think this will dent the movement so to speak but I do think it will linger for a while.
  16. The question doesn't state that this will, I'm more intrigued if you guys think he would if he could.
  17. I do sincerely think some people, probably a tiny percentage of people will be turned off from Nicola Sturgeon if this gains any more traction. You can disagree with my term torpedo, perhaps an inconsequential attempted dunt would suffice?
  18. Anyone see this btw? I actually can't comprehend how this is a thing.
  19. Sincere question. As someone that hasn't particularly followed Salmond and his personal politics is it fair to say he is willing to torpedo Indy in favour of his personal career? I always presumed he was staunch staunch and ignored the idea he would publicly attack Sturgeon so close to elections and thought it was far fetched, was this predictable or is it of genuine surprise to anyone else?
  20. Oh dear. This won't go down well.
  21. SANTAN

    FIFA 21

    3 games. 3 losses. Is there no way I can do the league stuff but actually start at the bottom? I want a chance to build some coins and a team without having to play every game against pay to play teams?
  22. SANTAN

    FIFA 21

    2 games into whatever this league thing I'm doing is and I've lost both games to shite players that have had icons vs Troy Deeney and Holding in defence loool. I've quickly remembered why this game mode is the worst.
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