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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Naturally, Corbyn and co were awful for that. I saw a poll on Twitter today re voting intentions and saw Labour amazingly with an increase, I'm not sure this is post Leonard or not, also showed the SNP going downwards, I'm certain it will already be posted somewhere here knowing the forums attention to such things.
  2. It's alright online, if you enjoy casual gaming then it's awesome, enough things to do it's just like free roaming but online, if you're wanting something completely different or fast paced then it's a let down, nowhere near as much expansions as GTA but there are some cool businesses and roles you can do that offline doesn't really touch like Moonshine business with an underground bar.
  3. Yeah I agree mostly, I'm not going to complain about a free game. I wouldn't say the game is repetitive though, compared to almost every online pvp it changes lots regularly and has always been a pace setter in those terms.
  4. Yeah I got that I'm just conscious to the fact the two posts of mine that you've interacted with have been over games your 13 year old enjoys (I'm 27) Fortnite is overrated but it is literally one of the most popular games ever if not the most so that's to be expected and mechanically speaking it is extremely complicated and it definitely suits G Fuel addled children with never ending muscle memory, having said that I was quite good relatively speaking with a modded controller (back paddles) but now I'm on PS5 they don't have that yet and the backwards compatibility is fucked so I need to use the regular PS5 controller if I wanna play so I cba. Also I predicted that celtc would have the same deal but not want to post it and I was vindicated 2 hours later when they didnt even post it just merely RT'd an account that mentioned it, it still got tonnes of abuse.
  5. I am absolutely heartbroken and devastated. I'm going to try and do this with no spoilers, basically, I've sunk 40 hours into the game at this point, there has been one moment where shagging was an option and it was when a guy asked if I was interested, I said no. The whole time playing I've had my seedy little eye on one character who I think would suit my main man Eivor, anyway she is a relativley minor NPC so I didn't think there would be an option to go with her so last week another more important character asked if Eivor wanted to roll around in the hay and as I like to get immersive I liked to imagine Eivor was in need of his hole (I've watched Vikings, they're shagging aw the time) and he has been an incel this whole playthrough other than the time someone presumed he was homosexual so i thought, aye even if it's not true love he would go for it.. Fast forward to this moment in time where I'm playing the game, I arrive at my settlement and said NPC bird I mentioned before confesses her love for me, says she's always felt that way (I have too) I want to respond accordingly but the game doesn't allow dirty dog Eivor to get away with his sordid deeds, the only two options I get are friend zone her or confess I love the other bird (the one I dont like) It's an absolute shambles of a playthrough, I want to quit and load up a save file before I let my virtual character think with his penis before his brain but I'd have to replay like 5 hours of work so it's not worth it in the end. What is love?
  6. Let me guess, you don't play but your wee man likes it.
  7. Scenes. Almost enough for me to play the game again. Imagine playing in a 4 man and bumping into a 4 man with celtc tops on, that would be the best gaming experience possible.
  8. I'll probably get it, not a big fan of needles but I'm not anti vax, I wish they could have less invasive methods. One thing I'm curious is to how long you get immunity for, it's not something that I'd fancy getting every year but will happily close my eyes and get it done the once especially if I was to be put on some blacklist over not having one.
  9. My sister once bought me "Xenephobes guide to Wales" in my teenage years so I should probably step out the door in all honesty.
  10. Poor Wales. Good to see they've not went down the nationalist route like the Scottish tbf, perhaps a lesson to be learned somewhere.
  11. Not bad, I'm presuming then you've built the Seer a house and done the subsequent mission?
  12. Yeah I'm about the same time now. Just completed East Anglia. Apparantly the DLC for this will be Ireland and France which should be awesome if done correctly. What level settlement do you have at the moment?
  13. Just had a little break in the immersion there.. Of course as the game is free roam when I enter a new region I like to pretty much scope it out and do a lot of the smaller stuff, one of the things you can do is raid places, I raided this relativley small spot and forgot about it, started doing the story mode section for this region and I had to raid the place I already had, obviously when I went back everyone was dead and there was no loot, I had to call in the raiders and then the game just completed the mission the second they arrived. I don't like the mix between free roam and story when it means that shit happens.
  14. Motherwell look good relativley solid. I think we are missing the ability to rotate the midfielders and you can certainly tell our team lacks intelligence without Roofe and Arfield. Need to get Hagi on the ball more often. Been disappointed with Aribo, at times he looks a sensational footballer but he's also sadly prone to going missing when he has to play deeper.
  15. I'm very well aware our defensive success comes down to our coaching and shape, if anything our defence is only so good because of our central midfielders that cover the full backs, the idea that we would swap out any of our defenders for Ajer at this time is ludicrous. In some bizarre world where this happened he would have to earn his spot he certainly wouldn't walk into the team as he's not considerably better than our CBs at the moment.
  16. Ajer could sit in the squad, the idea that Rangers with the defense we have this season would swap any of our players for a celtc player is ludicrous.
  17. Ahaha I'm well acquainted with Pete & Bas. They are truly inspirational.
  18. My first time watching celtc with their commentary team. It's very amusing.
  19. Love the confidence back in 2014. Auto play threw on this one next Is this why you guys are so pressed about this subject? Didn't realise the oppression went back so long.
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