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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Feel free to adress the points I've raised before you expect me to respond accordingly otherwise this gets tedious for me very quickly.
  2. I'm sorry you went into all that effort to tell me that the BBC used an out of context clip to reinforce their story. This happens everywhere, I don't think it should be done when using news reports, leave it for Love Island and Big Brother. That one seems innocuous in contrast to the time that BBC Scotland used a reaction of McCoist laughing out of context regarding sectarianism. Again this isn't some wide conspiracy theory, unless you have evidence or even reasonable suspicion this was purposefully done to undermine someone or something rather than an editors decision to make the clip look more interesting, I thought it makes Salmond come across more jovial and likeable than usual tbf. Just watched the McCoist one again, is this thread going to agree with me that the BBC is definitely bias against Rangers??? (Please dont)
  3. I can't imagine that one person would have changed their opinion on Scottish Independence because Salmond aparantly refused to answer why he should be trusted but I can see why this would annoy people that trusted Salmond (that went well) I can't see this as being part of a wider institutional bias and I think it's an incredibly tenuous stretch to suggest this is, unless Robinson has previous for doing this when referencing Salmond or Indy which I'm unaware of. The guardian article I posted before makes a point that's omitted from this thread and that's the obvious idea that pro Indy folk (some of them) will naturally have a bias against such a large British institution. They really need to come with something good to get the benefit of the doubt. As it stands I'd imagine there's more chance of posters in here being bias against the BBC than there is chance of the BBC being actively bias against Indy.
  4. Well we could start with incidents that are outwith journalistic mistakes like editorial decisions or even what you referenced the other day about hiring policy, those are noteworthy, a shite journalist asking a shite question, getting a shite answer is not some smoking gun imo.
  5. I've watched it all now, it's such a pish storm in a tea cup. I'd understand if he said he didn't answer the question about the RBS because Salmond comprehensively answered that one, the second question though.. What a shite, vague, unimportant question to begin with "Why should we trust you" Salmond waffles on whilst not providing much attention (if any) or a direct answer to the trust part of the question. What am I missing?
  6. Looool 45 seconds in, that you @ICTJohnboy?
  7. Yes of course it is. Which would still come under an isolated incident as opposed to some wider scheme unless of course Robinson had been instructed to lie, which I don't think anyone has claimed yet. I'm going to go and have to watch this now fs.
  8. Good to see the bootleg Alan Power lost at the goth boxing.
  9. A mistake? I've not seen the question or the response but if he claimed Salmond didn't answer the question when he did then Robinson was mistaken... I'm guessing he didn't think he responded adequately but again I've not seen this incident.
  10. I agree with the principle but can't imagine that they could just pose that question in an election on the ballot. A separate referendum on whether people actually want a referendum would be interesting, never going to happen though.
  11. Okay so an isolated mistake, not propaganda...that would be annoying right enough but it doesn't scream institutional bias on a wide scale does it? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/25/the-guardian-view-on-alex-salmond-versus-nick-robinson-political-not-personal Interesting article loosely on that subject. Nick Robinson like Neil Lennon getting saved by the mob storming at the gates and demanding he goes lol.
  12. Of course. I'm referring to one type of complaint and you're explaining a different type of complaint. I'd be interested to see some examples of things the BBC got wrong regarding Independence reporting, I'm not surprised either when any news outlet posts their apologies in the small print either.
  13. I don't think it's controversial either..? I don't feel only British myself..
  14. Can't wait for the hot takes when Andrew Marr asks a question that doesn't suit the dear leader. I doubt he will though as he is quite a toothless interviewer, especially when it comes to Nicola and previous occasions.
  15. Someone come get their da...
  16. Now apply that logic to Scottish Independence and that's half the battle. Funnily enough now do so for the same for the Tories safe analysis versus the ineptitude of any single political group in opposition and their attack lines and you might start to get it.
  17. Don't bother. Sensible posts aren't tolerated here by some of the more deranged posters. You either join the cult or get a constant barrage of unhinged Nationalists talking birthday caird delusional pish at you.
  18. No they won't. They'll have decided they want the SNP to govern the country within the UK.
  19. I don't think that was me tbf. I'd be intrigued to read the security service stuff, I'd imagine that's more extremists than normal pro Indy folk though still?
  20. Of course there will be individual instances but I struggle to see it as some concerted effort as opposed to isolated instances. You would surely agree that with any news outlet some people will feel irked by certain topics that they're personally invested in? That's not to say biases don't exist and can be rightly called out. I think this thread probably will have some intriguing posts but I can't help but think about the boy who cried wolf with a lot of posts.
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