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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. It's absolute birthday caird pish Literally just an unhinged rant bearing no relation to anything I've said and barely any to the truth. A very negative post I must say. A guy that ironically can't seem to keep his politics out of football whilst getting enraged by other people for apparantly doing so. People like him aren't football fans they're uneducated old bald men that get kicks out of acting staunch online.
  2. If you thought I was taking moral high ground then you're wrong, i already explained I was having a little laugh , although your questions seem to provide me such an opportunity considering you seem to want me to hate people that I don't to justify your hatred of players leaving Aberdeen to Rangers..
  3. Excellent exchange, I look forward to more in the future.
  4. Presume what you want, poor reading comprehension aside then you don't really know my opinions on the matter enough to criticize with validity, as said, we can take this to the BRALT if you're that fussed.
  5. He went to Everton when we went to the 3rd Division of Scottish football... Yeah, some fans really hate the guy, where are you going with this?
  6. I never said Aberdeen are irrelevant, if I recall correctly I liked one of your guys posts which was arguing against that point. But still I came into this thread to see the Wright abuse and have a chuckle, not really that deep. It's pretty much impossible for me to answer a question about something that literally didn't happen.
  7. This being said on a page of the forum where people are wishing injury and nothing but hatred on a young player for wanting to move to a bigger club. Lololol
  8. I said we could continue this elsewhere (you wanna step outside pal) and you said no but then left a sly little dig. "Hiding behind Bennett" - he says whilst cowering behind @Jacksgranda
  9. Look at everyone crawling out with a hard on because someone mentioned sevco stuff
  10. I don't think it warrants describing the titles as tainted and never in my life have I seen someone suggest so other than celtc fans and some angry posters on here. It surprised me to hear, anyway you can quote me in the BRALT if you're that fussed, I dont wanna kill the Rangers thread, we have a big game tonight.
  11. It's wild the idea that the titles weren't won on the pitch. I don't think anyone can argue our players out performed the rest. The affordability is obviously something rival fans will look to but that doesn't take away what happened on the pitch. The rest is a boring argument that's been done to death on here.
  12. I've got an unexpected day off from work tomorrow so I'm unashamedly drunkenly watching Rangers videos on YouTube.. Watching this one for this first time. Decent video, cool graphics overall but I'm flabbergasted at the part where he says that "at best" Rangers titles at this period are "tainted"... I know it's an argument that has been done to death on here and in the BRALT but the idea that our starting 11 that bested all the other leagues competitors after a season did so because of the company paying less tax is so wild to me. I know regular people don't think like this so it was strange for me to see a seemingly neutral spectator putting this point across.
  13. I know I'm late with this and it's probably been explained multiple times but just to save me a google can anyone explain to me why Celtc didn't play last weekend? I see you guys played on Wednesday to get through your games in hand but straight off the bat after catching up by 1 you're now again 3 games behind coz you didnt play this weekend, what's this aw about?
  14. £7k now smh. I've got minus £245 in my bank account right now
  15. $LTC for me. Both $BTC and $ETH are in price discovery ranges right now yet $LTC has not got back to it's ATH. This of course depends on your risk/reward outlook, I'm not someone that puts in a lot so take everything I say with a massive grain of salt. The alts that I've got some amounts in right now are Chainlink, Tezos, VET and ZIL. I've previously made +£500 profit in BNB and MTC but equally have also spunked the same amount away in $DRGN...
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