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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. As I believe their strategy seems to be winning back my types of voters by being a strong centre ground Unionist party (Kinda like NTP was saying re Sarwar over Lennon) where as their goal is to win the LAB2SNP voters back by the devo offers, again I don't think this will be substantial but I believe that they believe they can win some of the softer voters round. Lennon seems more vocally supportive of this option.
  2. I don't think there is much of a chance left for Labour anyway and haven't claimed there is, I was merely responding to the idea that Keir posing with a UJ is a disaster. Personally my mother has been Labour all her life (not Scottish) and she voted Tory at the last elections for the first time in her life because she dislikes Corbyn and also despite wanting to rejoin the EU she said she'd rather remain in the UK than leave both the EU and the UK. For me as a Unionist that has never voted Tory until the last election I was in a similar position where I voted Tory due to the Indy issue where as if there was a strong Unionist Scottish Labour or even a good Lib Dem candidate like my area used to have then I'd have voted for them and again - conscious this is anecdotal pish - I know a fair few people that have similar politics as in wouldn't call themselves Tories but want to remain in the Union and will vote for them so long as they are the only competent party where I live. Sadly my mother has said she'll probably vote Labour again this time as I suspect her beef was more to do with Corbyn than Indy so that's practically a vote for SNP. So there are 2 voters Scottish Labour can go after if they manage to keep all the plates spinning at once (I'm doubtful) you've got to start somewhere...
  3. I can only begin to imagine how tedious this is for everyone else to read through...
  4. I've already directed you to the post, it would've taken you like 30 seconds to find it if you were that fussed, I'm not running around the forum for you, especially when you're getting rattled over something so minor. Any chance of explaining what your issue was with my post in this thread?
  5. I feel like Donald Trump and sharks when it comes to the bees. f**k them.
  6. I don't think having a Union Jack will stop them winning any votes they could have won tbf. Labour party members definitely jumped on the fence around 2014, perhaps it was following the vote but they weren't outright against the idea which imo is not a strong enough stance for a Unionist party. I agree regarding the issues they have with their base and I agree regarding the devolution stuff but I think it's apparant that the party is shifting closer towards that than anything else.
  7. Ahah you're so sassy. I said that you said you imagined me wanting that in the Canzuk thread, you're comprehension seems to be a bit of a problem here. What objection did you have with my post in this thread anyway? I'm so bemused by this exchange.
  8. I think it's appropriate with the imagery Keir wants to portray and I don't think it will lose him any votes, I'm sure you'd agree it's not much of an issue to begin with. I'm not dying on any hill over anything here, I personally believe Labour suffered from being on the fence from 2014 and are now consciously pitching their tent in the Unionists camp, they'll not try and out Tory Tories but instead probably push the more devo stuff and try and win back votes from people who didn't like Corbyn/Brexit etc..
  9. As I said it's in the Canzuk thread, should be near the top of page 3. You're getting your knickers in a twist over nothing here. Can you just clarify what objection you took to my post in this thread?
  10. Canzuk thread you made some joke about wanting to start a world war or something. What am I deflecting from? Are you seriously upset I made light of someone's facebook type post? I thought you were joking because if not that's petty beyond magnitude.
  11. The people Labour need to get to vote for them also don't act like a vampire reacting to sunlight when they see a Union Jack, the only ones that do already have their mind made up on certain issues.. They're a party opposed to Independence, they lost voters by being flippant on this issue, good to see they've picked the winning side this time round by the looks of it.
  12. Is this you imaging me wanting a world war with Japan again or something?
  13. I had actually forgotten that Covid was more deadly the closer to China you were. Something to do with signal strength.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/games/2021/jan/28/cheating-open-world-games-assassins-creed-hitman Just read this and I'm so bemused by this guys reaction to the fact you can play Assasins Creed stealthy. He thinks he's exploiting when turning down the difficulty.
  15. No chance of seeing the Cherry on top then. I was hopeful she would fester away inside the party but she's unfortunately been lanced like a boil, I can't see her going for the assault option tbf
  16. God knows, I can't imagine there is.
  17. I've already said I embraced it before the referendum, I chose to vote Remain after weighing things up that felt important to me at the time. I also found the rejoin argument to be incredulous and think the only thing to do if you want to remain in the UK is to embrace such democratic decisions. I think it would be reductive to call me a Brexiteer, or to frame my opinions as wanting to take Tokyo or whatever silly thing you said not that you evidently care for such things
  18. You said neither tbf you said Brixiter or something similar.. Carry on being not interested, i merely responded to you quoting me about what you like to imagine.
  19. I embraced Brexit before the referendum. Calling someone that voted Remain a Brexiteer is a tad strange to me, perhaps not applying silly labels on to things you don't know about would help raise the standard of discourse on here.
  20. I voted Remain...
  21. Was this before the whole genocide faux pas or before?
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