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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. No, I was referring to the first paragraph, didn't even read that second part til now, probably accurate. "You haven't really thought this through have you" - Get over yourself
  2. This thread is chronic. My eyes are bleeding. Title 55 is really getting to some of you, it's Friday, relax.
  3. I love the creative effort some people go in to making up these sort of things. Completely existent and tangible but only in their heads.


    Completed this earlier. Class wee game. Worth a playthrough if you can get it cheap. It lowkey reminds me of Viva Pinata, bright and cartoony yet amazingly addictive, some brilliant writing and funny characters, overall would rate it a solid 8/10 Big up Filbo.
  5. One of my favourite artists released an album last week and chose some supporters to join a zoom call at 8pm tonight and I was selected, I'm actually nervous and for anyone that knows anything about UK rap or Grime they'll enjoy the fact that -given my username- the artist is Chip..
  6. This thread is bait to lure out the most deranged and delusional diddies surely.
  7. Quite the entitlement for the 1.6million or so Scots to claim to speak for the other 4million +. Imagine trying to argue against the idea it was a UK wide vote when the same Scottish electorate expressed their wishes to vote as a UK collective 2 years prior... I wonder what the excuse would have been if Britain chose to remain in the EU.
  8. There used to be a dog which was a local in the pub which went off the rails when you said "wheres the cat". It would bounce off the doors looking for a cat to bark at. I've only been in one pub that had a local dog and it was a huge Rottweiller that the locals said was friendly.. One of my others mates dogs used to go mental if you said "mouses" and would just snap at whatever was nearest. I feel sorry for the poor dog looking back it used to go for me if I looked at a phone or my ipod and also went for me when using an inhaler. Clearly a troubled wee dog, I know the owners didn't take it out enough or pay it proper attention. Also as an aside one time when i was a wee ned galavanting on the streets of my local town we were hanging out at a local spot and some random pitbull wandered up to us, no owner in sight. We noticed that every time we spat on the ground the dirty b*****d would lick it up. We did this a ridiculous amount of times that God will probably judge me for it, we were all high as shit and decided to get in my mates car and drive around with this random dog looking for an owner, sitting in the front seat, it was relatively calm but started barking so we shat it and took it back to where we found it where the owner was, we explained ourselves and he didn't seem to care one bit.
  9. So everyone that has had a dog will be able to agree that dogs pick up certain words and associate them with actions. Especially "walk" - I used to love going to my mates house and randomly shouting walkies to set his dog off. My dog mentioned above knows "food, pie and treat" and all 3 words get him excitable (for a blind dog) I was telling my maw and sister that the dog licks his lips - I don't know what the actual term for that with a dog is but they do that - when I ask him if he wants a treat, they thought I was waffling on and chatting shit but I then summoned the beast and asked him if he wanted a treat, he subsequently licked his lips in front of them. So proud I gave him 2 gravy bones and a dairylea triangle.
  10. Why do you sign off your posts? I like it. Stormzy.
  11. Appreciated. I was hesitant to post understandably considering I engage in a lot of petty arguments but your post has helped. You probably wont find me in here much but it's always good to see support with the ability to put the football and politics to the side. Everybody keep doing you. ❤
  12. My blind black labrador walked into the bin earlier and accidentally hit the push to open point. It felt like Jurassic Park and I could tell he could smell something but I stood frozen like that would help, slowly got him to come closer and closed the bin before he realised what he had done.
  13. I'm someone that's had issues with mental health in my younger years as I'm sure many people have, generally speaking I think I do quite well to combat this and read the signals and make sure I'm in the best position to deal with things to the best that I can but I must say I'm feeling lower than I have the past 9 years, I'm just fed up of lockdown at this point, I usually go out and socialise like 2 times a year or something so lockdown barely bothered me at first but there's something psychologically getting to me the fact we're almost 1 year on and still in the same boat. It's my 28th birthday coming up next week and as someone that hasn't been interested in a relationship or anything like that for the past 9 years and as someone that could be described as underachieving career wise I'm getting more and more riled up by the fact that to me in my stupid head I've always looked at life like I can relax til I'm 28 then I need to grow up, settle down and claim normality but as it edges closer and closer and we are still in lockdown I can't help but thinking I'm missing the chance and soon I'll be 30 and put out to pasture. I feel like I'm being robbed of huge years, especially when male suicide is relativley high for people 25-35. I'm very conscious that we are in the midst of a pandemic and other people have suffered tremendously worse than me and I've always been the type of person to put themselves at the back of the queue but still I'm getting more miserable than I would like to be, I've drank more in the past 3 months than I have the 9 years before that and I'm conscious that this doesn't help but I'm also close to the point where I feel like resistance is futile. I don't like discussing mental health, it usually ironically makes me more depressed and reading other peoples experiences also makes me feel depressed but I felt like I needed a RANT so thanks for reading if you have.
  14. I used to drink once a month but since November I've probably drank 9 or 10 beers a night. The fact I've more money than I'm used to and theres f**k all to do at the moment isn't helping but I'm still ever so slightly concerned. I only realised today when I went to put on a t shirt and could feel my belly resisting..
  15. I don't think it's imaginary, you could call it wishy washy or something only cared about by weirdos but I don't think it's non existent. Unfortunately I'm very cynical to most political movements and their ability to utilise undesirables and weaponisng them, unfortunately this drowns out and dilutes the sincere support as has happened with Brexit and SIndy. Canzuk will suffer the same fate when the "gammon" clock on to it but I'm hoping enough lovely normal people get involved first hence my olive branch for the good folk of PnB. Also I'm sure Canzuk would be more popular here if Scotland was independent. You'd deffo be asking for it to be Canzsuk or something...
  16. Pretty much same to me but I was smoking a spliff and was certainly surprised to see the neighbours come out and clap me I didnt know if it was worse to clap at that point so I just stepped inside. Nobody where I live was clapping tonight, or if they were I couldn't hear because I wasn't going outside like a performing seal.
  17. We are moment away from the return of the clap. I've previously been in my garden having a smoke just when everyone came out to clap and it was rather awkward, super conscious to not make the same mistake twice.
  18. It's a shame you've not been emptied (again). Please tell me when I was emptied in the first place? They don't ban people for having differing views on Independence even though I'm sure you'd love for that to be the case. Having said that I've enjoyed the past few weeks and the infighting amongst you guys has been predictable and delicious. The young wokies versus the auld boomer da's. I can imagine the distress this has caused for the elders like yourself so if I can be the figure you rally around to reconcile then so be it. Hang me up on my cross and recommence the circle jerk.
  19. Everytime I've read or watched anything about Canzuk they would always say this is the first stage and would be a good step in the right direction so it would be intriguing to see where they would go after that if they were to fall at the first hurdle, they seemed pretty confident they wouldn't though, I've got no clue. Perhaps you won't be surprised to hear that i believe the movement would do well to steer clear of Farage and I don't think anyone wants the two to be close other than detractors that are already convinced this is some colonial throwback.
  20. Is mischarachterising someone's opinion and calling them things like a Nazi that bad? If so I'm amazed there hasn't been more people being banned or even more people leaping to my defence when such things happen to me.
  21. He didnt get banned for not supporting the GRA fs
  22. I think we could overcome this with some planning.
  23. Not any that I've noticed other than dialogue, was doing a mission earlier where I went to bash in the front door and the guy said "do you not think a stealthy approach would be better" so nothing extreme just mild negging now and again. They have plenty of missions and side quests where you can go stealthy then they have a separate thing where you can raid places, I do think it'd be rather strange to do raids stealthily like the guy in the article was saying he did but it's not exactly the twist that I think he thought it was. Absolutley, i couldn't trust anyone that can play Hitman without a pure off the cuff panick play style. Never been a massive fan personally but I recall enjoying some of the earlier ones, i only ever played it the optimum hitman way one time to get a perfect score and i had to YouTube how to do it, it was a china town style mission and there was two targets but to complete the mission you had to effectively kill them both with 1 sniper bullet. Took me so long, pretty sure this was pre broadband too so might have even been reading a guide to doing it rather than YouTube, never again.
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