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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. The best case for the reunification of Ireland would be for them to reunite with there long last pal and rejoin Britain where they can get all the vaccines they want.
  2. Are we witnessing schizophrenia or is the Perthsire guy actually not the same person as CYG??
  3. Lovely finish from Bamford. Don't you just hate when you're watching football on the playstation or other streaming service and then you check your bet365 and get alerted to a goal before it's taken place on your screen?
  4. Aye it's pretty precious to screenshot my profiles activity because I think you're talking pish right enough.
  5. You're going into a lot of effort to not just simply admit you're wrong. Man for man Rangers have a far better team/squad/starting 11. I'm not seething at all, petty tactic.
  6. That is staggering to me that anyone could think that. Ajer is evidently not better than anything we have, I've said before he could make our bench. McGregor is not better than Kamara and even if he was you're forgetting the rest of their midfield and the rest of ours, Davis, Jack, Arfield and Aribo or Scott Brown and co.. How many goals has the French shooter been involved with in comparison to Morelos? When do we do keepers? If you were doing the best player in every position you need to include GK, RB, LB etc.. even if you don't there is no way they have the better players. We of course do have better coaching which is a bonus, if both squads had the same coaches we would have still won the league.
  7. "Here Biden, Mr President, please come and give us some good ol 'Murican freedom." Wtf is Joe Biden going to do about it. Send in the troops? You've actually made me laugh out loud there. That is brilliant you spend all your time attacking sensible Indy supporters about their supposed lack of plan or timescale and this is your master plan. The audacity is off the charts.
  8. Margaret Ferrier and Derek Mackay are SNP btw.
  9. Guys you need to just trust that I am incredibly savvy with working out the electorate and "guessing" which way elections/referendums will go, I can read the general public like the back of my hand and I'm pleased to say I'm here to give you this insider knowledge for absolutely no cost at all. Jump on it now and when it happens in a few years time you can act all trendy and Oracle like, there will be no told you so's, everyone is welcome to convert to Canzuk before it's stock is too high and the cool thing to do. We know you guys will need something to rally around come the next elections so what better place to stay than with reconciliation with Brexit Britain. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55871373
  10. Crys about sectarianism whilst using slang for a sectarian term. This place..
  11. But we have both though. Are you still trying to argue celtc have a stronger squad than Rangers or have you changed your mind?
  12. Just watching 1917, not even half way through and I'm blown away. It's amazing how considering the way they've filmed it there is so much attention to the mise-en-scène. So much subtle background props that really set the scenery in a film that's constantly on the move.
  13. Ah yes the PMs best friend/prominent Labour activist doesn't support the Conservative leader. This is surprising.
  14. Ahahah okay then f**k up you moron. You were literally the person that started speaking to me like an idiot and putting words in my mouth that people dont actually do when you talk in person... Love how when I dismantle your logic it's a screaming rant where as when you post shite it's your reasoning. Lol...
  15. ^ This place man I suppose when you completely misrepresented my post and seemingly wanted to debate you were also raging were you?
  16. Perhaps you're just not very bright rather than purposefully obtuse then. It's blatant and apparant to everyone that their is political gain in attacking the Royals, the same people that go on about butchers aprons lap that stuff up, funnily enough, I wonder why... In the same way that Bojo courts undesirable gammony racist Brextremists Nicola also courts undesirable gammony xenophobic Nationalists. It's like when you guys call OF fans cheeks of the same arse, you get utter cretinous people on here that foam at the mouth about the other side when they're effectively looking in a mirror. Both political leaders play to the gallery by engaging in such low level identity based politics and this gets lapped up by both sides but when you point out an instance of this occurring to one side it's of no surprise that the drawbridge goes up, the red dots and insults come out and the cozy blanket of cognitive dissonance helps you sleep at night.
  17. So you're conscious that this happens but you don't believe the SNP have done the same with the Royals and Boris visiting Scotland... that's impressive cognitive dissonance.
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