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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. I'm not miserable at all. That kinda is the whole purpose of lockdown...
  2. Ah so you're not going to quote the parts where he insults me needlessly and incorrectly. If someone acts like an idiot and accused me of things I'm not to try and score points online then they're allowed to be called an idiot. I dont suffer fools gladly.
  3. He didn't do a punchline, he missed the point, then missed the point again, then accused me of being something I'm not whilst missing the point again. Hilarious so it is.
  4. I'll actually take that one thank you very much. I'm not right wing or moaning about Nicola, I'm explaining why Scotland is divided due to the SNP, wee niccy minaj isn't the main factor here.
  5. Well I'm not you idiot I'm just not blind to see the ugliness and divisiveness of the SNP. You're the one who brought up Tories you imbecile.
  6. It's not applicable at all. The overiding aim of the Conservative party isn't one based on any of the above where as the SNP is and they are the ones that govern this country.
  7. We don't because that would be completely irrelevant to what anyone has said here.
  8. Get over yourself. This is ridiculous.
  9. Yes. That's what happens when you have a decade of divisive, grievance based, identity/ Nationalistic politics.
  10. Just as a wee tangent anectodal birthday card pish post... Some of my mates ask me about crypto but only seem interested when the price is high, I find this so bizarre but I kinda understand it, I'll literally mention a decent low priced coin, they'll see it and say "nah that's far too low" then as soon as that or similar coins go into price discovery and all time highs they say "this looks good I should get in"... it's interesting because I get that feeling myself a lot of the time, it's like to be successful you really need to cut out all emotions and urges which considering we are humans that let our brain decide everything it can be kinda hard to do! Just stick to your plans and don't let your heart rule your head and as alluded to before by @iron mike python when you notice a new crypto because it's trending you've almost already definitely missed the bus.
  11. Doge is going on a healthy walk today like. I deffo wouldn't get in now tbh, I've had a bit for a while and will likely sell soon, it's so funny to me because when I first got into dogecoin i would use faucets to acquire it for free and generally collected it as a test runs it was worth f**k all and was blatantly a meme whilst i learned the basics, have no idea what websites or passwords i even used so probably have decent amounts lost in the ether.
  12. Didn't deserve that but will take it. Lovely pass from Davis.
  13. If he didn't have pace he would offer very little to Rangers. His quality when he gets into good positions is consistently awful but his pace at least let's them stretch defences. I'd agree with that, he is so inconsistent, he has a few good bursts a game then let's us down at pivitol moments. Scored in Old Firms so folk will always love him more than usual, had a brilliant first quarter of the season and done very little since.
  14. I love Hagi's enthusiasm how he always makes sure he's at least in the discussion of whether Barasic or Tav will take a free kick.
  15. Free kick to Hamilton is searing into my brain right now.
  16. Keep going...you'd save time if you just did a quick google for the definiton of bigot and embraced the fact you're a bigot rather than writing to me on here. You're not just a bigot for being sectarian, your whole approach is bigoted. As has been pointed out to you, you blatantly have some comprehension issues so I'd urge you to re read your initial posts to me alongside the defintion of bigot and relax content in your little bigot bubble. Perhaps get an adult to read it out for you. You're like those racist English blokes that say they hate muslims people openly but also try and say this isn't racist. I don't know why that term rankles with you so much when it's blatantly applicable, own it.
  17. Big chance for Itten today. I reckon he'll bag a couple of goals. Fingers crossed we get to see Arfield and a salute. Perhaps chuck on a few youngsters when we're +3
  18. Don't forget "thick" I said you're a thick bigot. You're a thick bigot that doesn't even understand the word bigot.
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