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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. This guy would literally upvote Bawwatching and similar anti semitic idiots on here.
  2. I'm astonished that this guy is astonished that people have no interest when proven wrong on issues on this forum. A moral vacuum exists as long as you're pro Indy.
  3. Well that's blatantly untrue, as proven by this thread. Nice shifting of the goal posts, nobody said she should do so at any point... You're a presumptuous idiot. You've not addressed any point I've previously made you've just ranted at me, as it is with this place, you've ranted, presumed nonsense, reframed the debate I was having and threw in some assumptions for good measure all whilst being particularly unpleasant, you're trying to have some bad faith argument all whilst ironically enough playing to the gallery - 6 likes - - this place is beyond obtuse.
  4. Of course not. Neither has ignored the rules, in the same way Nicola and Kate Forbes haven't ignored the rules.
  5. Of course there's differences, they're all also deemed essential due to the peoples careers. I'm not saying none of them should travel I'm saying it's blatantly low brow playing to the gallery dog whistle hypocritical pish for Nationalists, they did the same with William and Kate. They'll do the same with anyone they politically dislike because as I've said they're playing to the gallery, not making a serious credible point that affects anybodies lives..
  6. Impressively that post was more pathetic than your first.
  7. I've made $100 this morning on doge coin
  8. That could be one of the worst posts I've ever read on here. Way to miss the ball and play the man but still spectacularly miss the man you fucking imbecile.
  9. No, there wouldn't be an argument if Nicola wasn't disgracefully playing to the gallery. He was left speechless after being unable to explain the hypocrisy, it's what happens when you have to defend idiotic, petty, trivial politics and pass it off as something serious.
  10. For what it's worth I red dot your posts because you have me on ignore and have insulted me numerous times when I dont think we've ever interacted with each other. I got over 10 red dots for saying Nicola was playing to the gallery earlier today so I wouldn't take it to heart. If anything I treat the dotting system as a notification to check that some people are still about, if I went 1 day without Antillion going through all my posts then I'd be concerned for the poor guy. I'm also nearly at -1000, I'm hoping this one could get me over the edge.
  11. You're probably right, it just caught me off guard as a softer tone than he has usually had. I agree the goal is probably to understandably put off the soft voters through obfuscation.
  12. It did find the "no one knows what a referendum would be for" to be an interesting line. Does it indicate a softening in position? Probably just Bojo being his usual flappy self and some scattergun approach but it could indicate the behind the scenes shuffling to move closer to the whole perhaps we should have a referendum on actually having a referendum stance or even could it be like Labour have been indicating a referendum based on more devolution. I'm not saying this is the case just food for thought.
  13. I think I'd be wanting a second opinion on that. No disrespect, but it's a bit like Trigger describing the Hadron Collider. Alright boomer, watch it yourself then.
  14. ^^^ Aberdeen thread filled with people wishing injury and scorn on him but aye it's just football common sense. This thread seems a very angry place I must say. Hibs and Aberdeen fans ganging up as it becomes apparent they're too shite to even compete with celtc for 2nd this season.
  15. People fear what they don't understand please understand I'm fearless.
  16. Drew Hendry getting tossed around like a rag doll on Politics Live today over the issue. Poor man came on with such bravado and two sentences later he was flapping. Sturgeon, MacAskill and Forbes completely undermining his point, what a set up btw, perhaps I should have posted this in BBC Bias thread because he came across so poorly that was like a hit job. Full panel in agreement laughing away at poor Drew.
  17. Of course I noticed your carefully selected excerpt. You weren't aware so you presumed nobody else should care, right on. Anyway, you're not alone, some will only see what they already want to believe.
  18. The guy asked for a general summary and you basically did a hatchet job and posted the part that made it seem nonsense rather than summarising any of the intriguing content. It's calm though I can see which posters only deal with the stuff they already agree with and those that treat everything objectively. For anyone that missed it - https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/01/my-sworn-evidence-on-the-sturgeon-affair/#click=https://t.co/kTnz1csjnW
  19. I'm surprised this story hasn't been discussed more on here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55838272 What an almighty row. EU official saying first come first serve works at the butchers but not in contracts. 60% shortfall on delivery apparantly.
  20. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/01/my-sworn-evidence-on-the-sturgeon-affair/#click=https://t.co/kTnz1csjnW You've frequently dismissed the Sturgeon vs Salmon stuff saying the public wouldn't be interested in her forgetting a date and you don't see what the fuss is about, well here you go, read that and tell me you sincerely feel this isn't a big deal if true. I'm loving the energy going into Boris visiting Scotland though, definitely not deflecting by playing to the gallery.
  21. Hawl, you've spent months saying nobody cares about Sturgeon forgetting a date and now there is something noteworthy posted you're double posting about some trivial shit. I'll no be having that, address my post please.
  22. The general public can see through Nicola trying to get on her high horse. Of course the PM of Britain can travel the country under essential travel, she's playing to the gallery, seems to be working as the gormless get worked up over the PM visiting part of Britain and conveniently stop discussing the Salmond stuff and the Cherry Trans stuff.
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