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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. It actually makes me feel a bit sorry for the smaller clubs that need to change their squads every season, first time in a while that I think everyone in our team is confident in their roles which has only came from persistence and having a couple years to develop. Barasic would be a good example of what I'm struggling to articulate, he wasn't fancied by a fair few people but after allowing him to grow into the position in our set up he looks an incredible player, perhaps our best imo.
  2. Love how frustrated Hagi was all through the game. His appetite to score when winning 5-0 is class to see.
  3. You are so pessimistic Bennett. I get your cautious approach but chill bro, we got this.
  4. It would also be impossible for everyone to be right.
  5. As I'd hope most sensible British institutions were! Don't see it though.
  6. Aye but surely they prefer one of them? BBC isn't biased against either of them. Pure conspiracy theory stuff.
  7. Godly intervention or something
  8. You really are a bit unhinged. I wish I could live my life with my head in the clouds like this, must be terribly easy to just believe everything you see on Facebook and apply zero critical analysis to anything ever.
  9. Yawn. Same applies for Scottish Independence. (If you want to make such low brow arguments)
  10. Are they bias towards Nicola or Salmond?
  11. I'm getting too old for this. Just completed the demo and probably took 5 years of my life.
  12. I am very excited for this one. I started on Resi 4 then didn't play again til number 7 but they are some seriously enjoyable games. I loved the feel of 7 and this one seems to be a lot like that in terms of being more cinematic and spooky as opposed to being zombie run and gun. The demo for Village has been released, I'm playing it now and literally screamed like a girl for the first time in years. Anyone else excited for this one or got any thoughts on Resident Evil in general?
  13. That would be good. I saw Ian Murray tweeting something earlier giving himself credit for this one. Not sure on the specifics in all honesty but would be a good move either way.
  14. Such cynicism from a group that generally trends towards blind optimism. I have a dream.
  15. Am I correct in saying this guy has signed to a record label for lip syncing? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sea-shanty-tiktok-nathan-evans-record-deal-b1791081.html
  16. There's been a frightening amount of arguments over these things on both sides.
  17. Lol. Just like Twitter an RT is not an endorsement.
  18. So, I've got a black labrador who sadly turned diabetic 6 months ago and lost his vision 5 months ago, he has adapted frighteningly well. I just tried shining my phones torch into his eyes and his pupils were retracting when I did so. I wonder if he is fully blind or just 95% or some shit. Would that work with a fully blind human?Someone should try this, for science.
  19. Are Lizzy on the notes.
  20. Nice to see the good guys showing love Only a matter of time now.
  21. Anyone that's played Days Gone know about the order in which to do missions, I don't really like the layout for the menus and I'm unsure what I should be doing tbh.
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