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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Literally just started this yesterday, good timing! I think I've just got into it, seems a little bit clunky but overall looking really enjoyable.
  2. He's certainly opened up the TERF vs Trans argument. I'm still trying to work out the substance of what has actually happened. Is it just me who finds it amusing on Twitter when you have a supposed controversial subject and you want to read about it but the hashtag is filled with people condemning said thing? The format could be a little bit more polarising in this instance to help me see what the fuss is all about.
  3. I pay extremely little attention to them, obviously some stick out as having less margin for error and better sample sizes etc, so I take some more seriously than others but overall I take them with a massive pinch of salt. I was expecting extremely dismissive takes, I was intrigued to see if those came from the same people that seem to take similar polls as gospel, didn't really happen tbf, you have a measured response and a few people spoke about penises. My desired outcome was not reached unfortunately.
  4. You have to give it to this celtc side. 3 games in a row unbeaten... That Dubai trip has clearly improved their form.
  5. Livi with a clear penalty denied and celtc having a clearly offside goal given. Feel sorry for them tbh.
  6. "Moving the ball around well" It's no like it's a fucking ball is it.
  7. I can't recall saying I wanted to discuss the poll, as said 1 page before I've stated my views on such polls already numerous times, again, I was posting to see the reactions from certain people.
  8. Because it appeared on my Twitter feed and I thought I'd share it. I'll ask your permission next time.
  9. Kick off time determined by Sky. Did I imagine it was 8pm earlier?
  10. I dunno, as I've said, I was intrigued to the response considering some of the responses to other polls that show different things.
  11. What's your degree in and where did you obtain it out of curiosity?
  12. Yeah I fully get that. I prefer offline games mostly but some people just aren't built for it. I am so over BRs in general.
  13. Well yeah it is a battle royale that's not going to change, I mean what you're saying you could apply to every single game. You could describe Call Of Duty as a game where you kill people for 5 mins then go again. In the field of BR's it has certainly evolved more than any other through map changes, weapon changes, different forms of movement.
  14. Of course different styles of game, I wouldn't say the story or voice acting and characters are as good but the actual visuals and gameplay is better for me.
  15. I've said my piece on polling plenty of times, I was just curious for those that seem to pay a lot of attention to them on this forum what they thought about this one, appreciate your analysis.
  16. It really irks me how good it could have been considering the fun I had on offline, as an aside AC Valhalla on PS5 for me is the best game I've played and could overtake RDR2, really good for just running around the hills of England and raiding random towns and villages. Beautiful game.
  17. If you've ever played GTAO then it's very similar format. There are some "missions," with a new storyline which is quite fun but nothing near the level of the offline. I enjoy the businesses because you do them at your own pace. One business you provide skins to a guy at your camp and he manufactures goods to sell on so with that there is no onus to do more than you want. The moonshine business is good fun, you get a new story with missions all related to that which are very well done, closer to the offline stuff Bounty Hunting is the best for missions because they released specialist bounties I think they did 1 a week for 2 months. If you own all of these you can balance your time so it feels like free roam with a little bit of overall progress.. HOWEVER Everything costs gold so getting in now would be akin to doing a 9-5 job trying to earn the gold unless you put actual money in.
  18. I can't imagine that being the actual reason but that was reported It was more aimed at the front bench MPs and shadow cabinet at the time, Abbot was one of a gang.
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