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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. Thinking somebody is a complete and utter scumcunt does not equate to not handling the truth.
  2. Yeah I didn't imply that at all. Obviously people don't get rich pissing away money, they get rich then piss away money. Where's my delusion?
  3. I don't like you, you're a reprobate, cretin, celtc fan. Can we leave it at that and you go elsewhere to point score over mental illness and domestic violence?
  4. Was "king?" meant to be a question? They will call an EGM. BTW, i fully understand i may come across extra arrogant or like a troll but it's merely exaggerating points, usually due to the extreme idiocy, predjudice and general shite patter surrounding Rangers i find it a bit amusing. #watp
  5. It's an emotional investment, financially speaking the largest shareholder/owner will not profit financially. Others can jump on the gravy train and do well though, buy yourself some shares, they're only on the way up.
  6. Collectively the good guys now own the largest single majority of shares. We can make decisions and it may take time to stop the rot but we're clearing away the deadwood (spivs)
  7. Well yeah i suppose so. Yeah i did mean dominant and i am pretty spoilt being brought up a Rangers fan, i would say the amount of taunting for the last few years though we're allowed to up our own arrogance levels when we're back.
  8. No. You being a reprobate does not bother or offend me, clearly it puts you on the defense though. Point scoring on the internet about domestic violence, that's a case of abandoment issues if i ever saw one
  9. Please adress my post. Posting things such as the above and like "Tim Malloy"s post offer nothing constructive. I'm right until you prove otherwise (i know that's not a general rule but it speeds things up when people post such generic pish like you have done) It's quite frustrating to post in a thread containing 6215 pages of utter pish to be asked (like a teenage girl) "you for real?!", mate, have you read this thread, i'd sincerely doubt my posts are the most unbelievable.
  10. I just saw your signature. Point scoring over mental illness and domestic abuse. Classy celtc fans.
  11. It puts control into the right hands (some) higher income now and lower expenditure, (no IPO costs and dodgy wifi deals etc.) Admin is not looming you dafty, stop reading Phil Mc3 names.
  12. They will after the deal, probably 2 on the board. Can call an EGM now anyway. Get over it, we're slightly less fucked than usual.
  13. Are you implying i'm mentally ill and joking about it? You're edgy and most definitley don't wet yourself at nights.
  14. Park & Co will have enough funds available to see us through the year and with credible businessmen involved now investment shall be following, believe it or not Rangers in the championship on the rise is an attractive investment (relatively speaking) and with the good guys getting their foot in only positives can come. King is fairly rich, the door is open for him, McColl, Hunter and co to give something back to their boyhood blues without it being pinched by the spivs.
  15. Nah some role where he does little and gets paid a lot but we still get to parade him round and chant Super Ally. Yeah the money issues were a wee bit spiv related. The good guys are in now though and the cleansing is already under way.
  16. It's not over and done, it does sort the "impending" financial crisis (it's not impending) it kind of does sort the long term sustainability and the boardroom shall be sewn up swiftly, probably after an EGM. The future is bright, the future is Orange, or blue.
  17. Last time i was on here you were a Rangers fan, have you actually changed teams? Dweeb.
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