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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. Is everyone still upset at Fort William for taking so many players on loan or do people not give a toss as they are still guff? Funny one.
  2. It’s not a red card. The Hibs thicko on Friday was 100% a red but this isn’t. Ajer, as stated on Wednesday, is a complete w****r.
  3. Really sad to see Scotland’s most irrelevant team sliding towards relegation.
  4. I was in that one this week, wasn’t impressed. Not enough free weight space and I got charged £1.50 for a towel! It’s the worst of the 3 in Edinburgh I think.
  5. ‘Wet wipe - informal slang. Someone who takes the time to rate posters on an Internet football forum’.
  6. Surely we go: PJ Pyper (Todd if fit) Hamilton Barr Sneddon Herd Thomas Swann (if fit) Smith Allan Taylor f**k all other options.
  7. What Nuffield? I go to the one at the Omni and it is great. Full cost is £51 a month, which includes a corporate discount, and my work pay half on top of that. Sadly moving to Pure at Quartermile soon due to a change in location, wont be near as good.
  8. I don’t think he was being serious m(19)8(4)
  9. Bruce seems like a massive p***k. Agreed. His da seems a sound c**t.
  10. A staggering amount of ellipses if you ask me.
  11. Hearts fans really are cretins. Apparently someone at your AGM suggested Locke going in the dressing room before the Hibs game and telling the players what it means to play for Hearts... and this man got a round of applause. So many people bashing on about players needing to know what it is to play the Hearts way and saying how it’s no laughing matter what’s going on. Frankly it’s hilarious.
  12. I dislike anyone that puts sugar in their tea. Stuck the head on a guy at work the other day for putting three fucking spoons in.
  13. See, I don’t agree with this at all. There’s people that are not in privileged situations but have worked hard and have jobs/pensions etc to protect. They think voting for the Tories may be the best way to protect all of that. There’s no way that Labour were a valid alternatively. I sure as heck didn’t vote Tory but I can fully see why people would in this situation. People that dislike certain people because of the way they vote are as bad as people that dislike people because of who they support. Life goes on, the dog barks, the caravan keeps rolling.
  14. Did you want them to hold your hand back to the office? Hope you didn’t have any roads to cross when out running on your own!
  15. Tbf he is only the manager in name. Everyone knows who the real man in charge at Livi is.
  16. A venue filled with people that think Paul Slane is funny? I’d rather spend an evening in a Chinese Iron Maiden.
  17. To simply go ‘shit happens’ when they were arrested for what could be a serious assault is just the kind of attitude that embarrasses ‘football fans’. Just because they play for your team it doesn’t excuse their actions and you’re allowed to completely condemn it. Football really is morally fucked. I’d love to see clubs start to take this sort of thing a lot more serious.
  18. Big bust up between Bruce and Alessio, Dyer refused to stick up for his manager. Kicked off from there. All the wee tryhards that were fuming when the MSM called him out as a dud must be fuming that the MSM were right. Funny ol’ world.
  19. Ask Clyde. That worked well for them last season... Almost as if rules change.
  20. If that’s the desired characteristics then every single one of your fans are in with a shout of becoming chairman at some point.
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